Crafting Guide

Crafting Guide

Written by Rodent

One of the things I noticed when I started crafting in Vic was that the knowledge of how to craft items was available, but scattered all over the place. I started taking notes and, about a month ago, decided to pile them together into a crafting guide. And now it’s finished!

The guide covers all manner of crafting related stuff, such as recipes for items, where and how to collect ingredients, crafting-specific character creation, and plenty of crafting tips for beginners and masters.

Before you read though, one thing I’d like to state: This is a CRAFTING guide. I have provided the stats of each CRAFTING INGREDIENT, rather than millions of tables depicting the stats of each individual item. The exceptions to this are recipe items, or in crafts where there was next to no correlation between ingredient and product (for example, tailoring and dyed cloth). In some cases, to find out what an item does will require adding the properties of each ingredient together. The guide is divided up into chapters, with reference points to each chapter containing relevant information.

Of course, I didn’t find out everything on my own, and thus I have people to thank for their help. To Ari, Mike and Warwp for bits and pieces of item and recipe information. To Ragon for his recipe book for the times when I didn’t have the recipe and got stuck. And a HUUUUGE thanks to Seeker for her seemlingly infinite crafting knowledge, and the patience to withstand my million questions.

If some parts of the guide still aren’t clear, PM me (theflyingrodent) or ask me in game. I did my best to make it look legible. It’s also spread over 2 posts, as it’s too big to fit into one.

Here it is.


1. Introduction to crafting & some crafting tips

2. Abilities & Crafter Characters/ Some other Crafting Tips that kinda relate to characters so they’re piled in here.

2.1. Beneficial abilities/stats/crafting classes/races
2.2. Ingredient Gathering Tips
2.3. Crafting Teams
2.4. The Mulrok Trade Hall

3. Ingredients and their locations

3.1. Ore
3.2. Gems
3.3. Animals (Leathers)
3.4. Wood
3.5. Flowers (for dyes)
3.6. Miscellaneous Crafting Parts (Hearts, Skulls, etc.)

4. Recipes & Item Information

4.1. Armourcrafting
4.2. Weaponcrafting
4.3. Bowyering (Bows)
4.4. Fletching (Arrows)
4.5. Tailoring
4.6. Tanning (Sewing Kit)
4.7. Tinkering
4.8. Jewellery

5. Unique Item Bonuses
5.1. Exceptionally Crafted Items
5.2. Synergy Sets

6. Wings Quest Rundown

1. Introduction to crafting & some crafting tips

Crafting in Victorian Nordock follows an oldish nwn crafting platform known as ATS (Ambrosia Tradeskill System). ATS crafting skills are independent from the craft armour/weapon/trap skills, and are not linked to character experience. Crafters improve by practising skills; the higher their skill(s), the more items they can make.

The skills available are divided into secondary and primary skills. Secondary skills include mining, smelting, tanning and gemcutting, and are mainly skills concerned with the production of components for other crafted items. Primary skills include weapon and armour crafting, tailoring, jewellery, tinkering, fletching and bowyering. Progress in these skills can be checked using the Tradeskill Progress Journal in your inventory. If you happen to sell/drop/lose your journal, the server gives you a new one on log in, so relogging should replace it.

Crafting stations and resources can be found in several places around the module. Good starting points to begin crafting are Benzor and Black Hills for surfacers (Black Hills is a boat ride from Benzor), any of the major Underdark cities/Valley of Darkness for Drow, and Graklstugh for Duergar. There are also various types of crafting merchants, which are usually located closest to the stations to which they service. Crafting merchants sell basic tools/ingredients, basic recipe books, and often will give you a few starting points in a specific skill. Further info on the basics where to start in crafting can be found here.

Good crafts to begin with are Mining (mining ore with a pickaxe, see 3.1), Blacksmithing (smelting ore into metal at a forge), and Weapon Crafting (converting metal into weapons at an anvil, including tools used in other crafts, see 4.2). Tailoring is also good to start, and can be levelled to maximum purely from harvesting flowers and making dyes (see 2.3 and 3.5). Tailoring and armour crafting both contain haste and knockdown immunity items, which can be crafted, or bought from the trade hall in Mulrok (see 2.4).

There are several types of tools available to a crafter, which can either be used to gather a resource or to create an item. In most cases, to gather a resource, click on the desired resource with the necessary tool equipped. Basic (usually copper) tools are available for purchase from crafting merchants. Most tools can be crafted via weapon crafting. Lower quality tools break easily: The more difficult the metal used to make the tool, the higher quality the tool is, and the less chance that it will break. Crafted tools range from copper to shadow, and there are mithral tools handed out at player events at the request of a DM, which very rarely break (see later in this chapter).

The tools available to a crafter are:
• Mining Pickaxe: Used to gather raw ore/gems from mineral deposits.
• Skinning Knife: Used to skin animals.
• Smithing Hammer: Used to craft items at an anvil.
• Paring Knife: Used to craft bows at a bowyer’s rack.
• Fletching Knife: Used to craft arrows at a fletching desk.
• Gemcutting Chisel: Used to cut rough gems. Use/activate the item to begin cutting.
• Tinkering Tool: Used to craft items at a tinkering device.
• Tailors Dagger: Used to craft items at a tailor’s table. Is also used to gather flowers.
• Woodsman’s Axe: Used to chop wood from trees.
• Sewing Kit: Used to sew. Use/activate the item to begin sewing.

Keep in mind that both the Mining Pickaxe and the Smithing Hammer are MARTIAL WEAPONS, and therefore the crafter will require the martial weapon proficiency feat in order to use them. This can be selected at level 1 by most classes if it isn’t received it automatically. Some classes, such as druid and shifter, cannot select this feat, and so another classes must be taken to gain access to it.

When crafting, items are color-coded to indicate the relative difficulty of crafting them — from red (most difficult) to dark blue (moderate) to blue (easy) and finally to green (easiest, success rate = 100%). Crafting a red item almost always results in a skill increase upon success, but success is rare. The most efficient skill increases (based on effort required) come from crafting dark and light blue items. Crafting a green item will never produce an increase in skill level. NOT ALL CRAFTED ITEMS EVER REACH A GREEN RATING, even with maximum skill in a particular craft. Some crafted items may also require a recipe to be crafted, which can be found in loot drops.

When levelling up a particular craft, remember that rating determines whether or not skill is gained, not the amount of ingredients required to make a specific item. Look for the items requiring the least amount of ingredients, and use those to level up. Recipe/special items use up more ingredients than standard items do. Try to avoid using these to level up. Occasionally though these are the only items that will increase skill level, and you have no choice (happens in tinkering).

One thing you’ll notice when you start crafting at a particular station is that your chat log fills up with millions of crafting messages, making it hard to read anything said by anyone else. If this is bugging you (and after a while it will), right click on the black bar at the top of the chat log (the one with the arrow that’s used to expand and contract the chat log). This’ll bring up a menu which allows you choose which sections of chat you include/exclude from the chat log. Choose the bottom option ‘exclude normal chat’. Exclude/include normal chat turns normal chat off and on, which includes crafting messages. Tells, party chat and shouts are unaffected by this change, which means that with normal chat turned off, you can now talk to people while you craft!   If you wish to turn normal chat back on, simply select ‘include normal chat’ and normal chat will again be heard in the log (and with it crafting messages). Relogging sets the chat log back to its default setting (normal chat included).

Crafted items cannot be sold at regular merchants (they are treated as ‘stolen goods’), but they can be sold at the trade hall in Mulrok. This is an efficient way of making coin, and mass production of certain items can outperform looting as a way of making money. More on this in the Mulrok Trade Hall Chapter (2.4).

Some crafted items can be recycled. Crafted weapons, crafted armour (not including drake’s charm or copper studs), and basic tinkering components (wires, gears and widgets) can be placed back into the forge and ‘salvaged’, which returns a percentage of the original ingots back to the crafter, depending on the difficulty of the metal and the crafter’s blacksmithing skill. Just be careful not to salvage the items you want to keep or sell at the trade hall.

For unwanted items, a Trash Receptacle or corpse is the best place for them. Leaving items on the ground for a long period of time causes lag, and discouraged in Victorian Nordock. There are trash receptacles inside most mines: please use them. For skinning animals, creature corpses make nice trash cans for dumping unwanted meat, and disappear quickly. Crates and smelters are also provided in some crafting areas, and can be used to store items that don’t fit into your inventory, or for transferring items to another character.

DM’s occasionally hold player events. These are a terrific way of levelling up a crafter, and also an opportunity to get your hands on some great crafting tools. At player events, a free level is granted at the end to all who attend. Alternatively, special very-hard-to-break Mithral tools (in particular a mithral pickaxe) can be handed out at the end of player events at the request of a DM, in exchange for the reward level.  They are well worth attending; put down the tools and join the fun!

Far and away, the most useful item available to a crafter is the Wings Amulet. The Wings Amulet allows for teleportation to various places within the module, and also makes your character neutral to the Surface faction if you happen to be Drow or Duergar (and so thereafter places like Black Hills can be accessed without being attacked). Wings Quest parties can range from anyone between level 15 and level 40; it is the ONLY time on the server whereby partying up with those 5 levels above or below you is allowed. Once your crafter has hit level 15, try and hitch a ride on a Wings Party, or else (if you can) gather and create the items yourself. The crafting instructions on how and what are needed to make the Wings Quest items are scattered throughout this guide, and indicated by CAPITAL LETTERS. A run-down of the non-crafted components is provided in chapter 6 (see 6).

Magic bags are extremely useful storage items for any crafter, and the higher quality ones can be used to carry heavier items and save weight. The more you have the better, but don’t totally overstock your inventory with them; it is good to leave a couple of pages on inventory free so that materials don’t get dropped frequently while collecting. It can also be useful to designate some bags towards items you wish to keep, and other bags towards storing items during collection. It’s also easier to store bags at the BACK of your inventory, so that materials you gather appear neatly in the first pages of your inventory, which makes them easier to sort. Again, a cleaner inventory is easier to work with than a cluttered one, so once you’re confident you’re not going to use certain materials or items hidden in bags any longer, throw them away.

Weight Reducing Magic Bags can be bought from North Brosna, Tobaro, and the Temple of Lloth (up to 80%), or crafted via tanning (sewing kit, up to 60% bags). The greater the reduced container content percentage of the bag, the lighter the items placed in the bag will become.

There are also now, working mining bags! Mining bags are crafted in tailoring, and while they don’t reduce the weight of what is contained within them, they are scripted to automatically bag up any ore or gems mined at a deposit. Less micromanagement of mining inventories! More on this in 2.3.

Henchmen (from Captain Tucker) also make great mobile containers, as they have usable inventories. Pack Oxen, summoned from Ox Whistles (bought either from the Desolate Wastelands, or the Sons of Thunder Guild Hall), also function as mobile containers, but can be fiddly. To load an Ox, tell the ox to ‘drop their pack’, and place items into the pack. When you want the ox to move, tell it to ‘strap on pack’. WAIT UNTIL THE PACK ON THE GROUND AND ANY DROPPED ITEMS TOTALLY DISAPPEAR, or it will start dropping things. Personally I don’t endorse either of these, as a. Henchmen cost money and b. Oxen, besides dropping things, have a habit of getting stuck on a particular map and not moving for up to 20 minutes. For a low strength character however, both of these make great mules. For high strength characters, I’d recommend using bags (my crafter has 57, and he rarely runs out of space).

More than anything, crafting is about patience. Some crafts are quicker than others, but in general, crafting is a slow process. If things are testing your patience, find ways around it. Listen to music. Take breaks. Get your partner to mine for you.

Good luck. And don’t go insane.

2. Abilities & Crafter Characters/ Some other Crafting Tips that kinda relate to characters so they’re piled in here.

2.1. Beneficial abilities/stats/crafting classes/races

While ATS is not linked to character experience, it is linked to certain abilities/stats, specifically strength, intelligence and charisma. High strength increases the chance of successfully mining ore and gems from a rock. It also improves the chance of succeeding when making weapons and armour, both of which contain items that never reach green status at maximum skill level. High charisma improves the chance of successfully crafting jewellery, although with maximum skill level all jewellery crafting ratings are green (unlike weapons and armour), so this is not as high a priority as strength. High intelligence, while not affecting the chance of successfully making items in any craft, improves the rate at which the crafter gains skill in all crafts, so this is an important ability to boost while levelling up. All of these stats can be boosted with spells, and buffing potions, such as Bull’s Strength, Eagle’s Splendor and Fox’s Cunning, can be purchased from potion merchants such as Percy in Benzor.

While any character can craft, some classes are naturally more adept than others. For example melee types typically have high strength which makes them suited to weapons and armour, wizards typically have high intelligence so they can master a craft faster than most, etc. Some classes also come with abilities/spells which can assist in crafting. These are:
• Barbarian: Rage increases strength;
• Bard: Has access to strength, intelligence and charisma buffs, and is also a pre-requisite for Red Dragon Disciple,
• Blackguard: Has access to strength buffs (Note: Blackguard Bull’s Strength stacks with ordinary Bull’s Strength, as it is a character ability not a spell. Keep this in mind!);
• Cleric: Has access to strength, intelligence and charisma buffs, and can cast spells on unwanted rock deposits to remove them (see 2.3);
• Druid: Has access to strength buffs, and can cast spells on unwanted rock deposits to remove them (see 2.3);
• Harper Scout: Has access to charisma buffs;
• Monk: Lacks any stat boosts, but can swiftly move between areas, cutting down on time spent collecting resources;
• Paladin: Has access to strength and charisma buffs;
• Red Dragon Disciple: Far and away the best crafting class, gaining permanent ability boosts in the order of +2 to intelligence, +2 to charisma and +8 to strength.
• Sorcerer: Has access to strength, intelligence and charisma buffs, is a pre-requisite for Red Dragon Disciple, and can cast spells on unwanted rock deposits to remove them (see 2.3),
• Wizard: Has access to strength, intelligence and charisma buffs, and can cast spells on unwanted rock deposits to remove them (see 2.3).

Remember also:
• Some Items boost particular stats (there are a number of strength boosting items in the epic shop, rings that boost strength from the Northern lands Shop, lootable intelligence rings and crafted ability boosting jewelry of all kinds).
• Bull’s Strength, Eagles Splendor and Fox’s Cunning can be EMPOWERED! (boosting 3-7 points instead of 2-5).
• Boosting a particular stat is capped at +12. So, for e.g. if your base strength [NOT MODIFIER] without buffing is 30, the maximum your strength can reach via buffs and items is 42.

With regard to races, the recipe item ‘Dwarven Waraxe’ (not to be confused with a standard crafted dwarven waraxe) can only be made by a dwarf, and some of the higher tier bows can only be crafted by elves. The ‘Drow’ subrace (or ‘Dark Elf(drow)’ for the surface version) also gains a permanent +2 buff to intelligence and charisma, which adds towards the +12 ability cap.

2.2. Crafting Teams
While it is possible to make any character achieve 400 in almost every primary crafting skill (some skills reach a maximum before 400/400), many items still do not have a 100% success rate at the highest attainable crafting skill. There are also ingredients that are ill suited for collection by some characters and races. Therefore, the most efficient way to craft is not to use 1 crafter, but a team of crafters!

A Half-Orc Red Dragon Disciple may not have the highest intelligence and therefore mightn’t make the greatest master crafter, but they are superb miners. Certain ingredients, like flowers and yew, are easier to collect with a low strength character (see 2.3). Certain ingredients which may favourably be gathered by low strength characters (e.g. flowers) which are otherwise not suited to crafting. High level gems are quite difficult to find in abundance on the surface, while the underdark city of Chaullsin contains a vast gem mine that overshadows all others.

With all of these in mind, an ideal crafting team would look something like this:

1. A Dark Elf (drow) or Drow Master Crafter. Something like a Cleric RDD with mixed stats is a good starter character on the server, and can hold their own as well as craft. Intelligence increases the rate at which skills are gained, so a Wizard (38 intelligence base, or 40 intelligence base if Wizard RDD) would level through all the crafts quicker than any other character. These however are harder to level than melee characters without playing experience and knowledge of the module. Both Wizards and Clerics also pack spells which can remove rock deposits (see 2.3). Remember martial weapon proficiency!
2. A Half Orc RDD with maximum strength (44 base), lots of mining bags (mine has about 30) and a clean inventory, specifically honed at mining, smithing, weapon and armour crafting.
3. A low strength gnome or halfling (perhaps a dragon shifter), with tailors daggers and woodcutters axes, for chopping down yew trees and picking flowers.
4. (optional) A maximum strength (42 base) Drow RDD, with lots of mining bags, specifically honed at mining gems. Alternatively to making an additional drow miner, a surfacer could sneak into Chaullsin mine using invisibility potions or spells. More on that in 2.3.

2.3. Ingredient Gathering Tips

(General ingredient gathering info is given from 3.1 through to 3.6. Look there if you’re still unsure of how to gather certain ingredients.)

Mining bags are terrific for mining characters. These bags are scripted to automatically deposit mined ore or gems inside them, removing the need to move them manually. This ultimately allows for a crafter to click on a deposit to mine it, then leave the computer or minimise the game for 5 minutes to auto mine until the deposit dries up, by which time it has been mined and neatly bagged. However, once an inventory has exceeded a certain number of items ( I have a hunch that it’s 255, 8 bit limit), then script errors will start appearing in the chat log. These will not cause much of a problem but will flood the chat log and may annoy other players. Relogging seems to occasionally fix this.

Mining bags are crafted in tailoring, as either Aqua or Black bags. They do not reduce the weight of their contents; the bags themselves weigh less than normal. As such, high strength is recommended before trying to use these for mass mining (given that strength helps mining anyway, this should already be a priority), as is a clean inventory. The ingredients for the 2 mining bags are located in 4.5.

Flower plants have limited HP, so gathering flowers with a high strength character leads to quick destruction of the plant. Gathering flowers with a low strength character (anyone with 8 strength or under, Gnomes and Halflings can get as low as 6) means that you can obtain flowers from a plant without destroying it. One the flower picker has enough flowers, these can be placed in containers for another character to use, but be careful again not to leave stuff on the ground.

In general, the longer time spent chopping a tree, the more individual staves the crafter gains. When a tree is finally chopped down, there’s a percentage chance for the crafter to collect a bunch of 5 short staves from the tree. Ash, oak and elm trees respawn quickly, so chopping these trees with a high strength character is usually more efficient, as overall they gain more bunches of 5 short staves (as opposed to individual staves).

However, Yew trees, while having more HP than other trees, are fewer in number, and take a lot longer to respawn, so the chance of gaining a bunch of 5 short staves is a lot lower. Overall a low strength character is better for chopping wood from Yew trees, as they spend longer hitting the same tree (thanks to the increased tree HP) and gain more staves overall than a strength character could ever manage. They also spend less time waiting around for trees to respawn.
This is my experience anyway. If you’re still confused or think I’m wrong, the crafter script for woodchopping is here. If I’m wrong, let me know.

Despite the animation, animal skinning doesn’t actually take very long! Once you’ve clicked on the corpse and bent fully over, you are then free to move around and away from the corpse, or attack, or drop things in containers, and a few seconds later the hides and meat will appear in your inventory. Use these few seconds to get to/attack the next animal you wish to skin, or store things in bags. Excess meat can either be placed on a corpse, or cooked on a campfire. Campfires are created from ‘using’ an oil flask (bought from basic supply and food merchants) on the ground. Use the meat on the campfire to cook it.

Also on the topic of animals: If you can, USE AREA EFFECT SPELLS ON CLUMPS OF BADGERS. Any area effect spell you have. Fireball, Word of Faith, Hammer of the Gods, Ice Storm, Cloudkill, Curse Song, whatever. The little blighters have basically no health, but are experts in scattering in all directions and running away, so take ‘em out before they get the chance to!
Though there are quite a few gem mines around Nordock, the mine in Chaullsin dwarfs them all.  If one is looking to master gemcrafting, which is a difficult craft, it helps substantially to use this mine. One can make a drow crafter or miner, who spawns close to Chaullsin. A surfacer can also reach the mines, but it is tricky. Invisibility potions or spells are good for sneaking past the guards and avoiding a fight. The quickest way to reach the mine from the surface is to head to Loknar and use the portal located at the southern end of the city to travel to Chaullsin (the portal works for surfacers).
To reach Loknar, head underneath Sholo to the Gloomy Dark. Once inside the Gloomy Dark, keep following the cavern until a hole in the ground/transition is reached, which will take you to the other side of the map. Once through, north from here will take you to Mak’a’nor (location of the Glittering Mines), and East to Underdark Deep Caverns. Head east. Inside the deep caverns, northeast of this sector is the Bharat Duergar Lair containing Blackberry Gems (WINGS QUEST ITEM), and to the east is Loknar. Head East, to east deep caverns. At the eastern edge of this map is the gate to Loknar, so here is a good time to use invisibility. Head east to Loknar. Once inside Loknar (you’ll appear in the north eastern corner), head directly south, through a gate, to the docks, and you should find a portal to take to Chaullsin, which surfacers can use. Once in Chaullsin, head towards the centre of the map. The mine entrance is located there, inside a stone hut with a sloping roof. The first mining sector will contain metal. The second area will contain gems, with high end gems inside the east, north and west side areas of the map. Remember to bring lots of pickaxes if you’re a surfacer!

Finally, rock destruction. Mineral deposits in mines respawn after a period of time into a random mineral, and often a crafter can be stuck in a situation where not a single mineral deposit in a mine has respawned as the mineral you’re after. There are 3 spells which will remove a mineral deposit so that it respawns as something else. These are:
• Harm (Cleric level 6 spell, Druid level 7 spell. Works in conjunction with damaging the rock, using something other than a Pickaxe [fists work]);
• Destruction (Cleric level 7 spell);
• Wail of the Banshee (Wizard and Sorcerer level 9 spell. Must be targeted directly at the rock).

For crafters who don’t have access to these spells, Semli’s Helmet (a reasonably difficult helmet in armour crafting) has 1 harm spell per day. For those who don’t have that option available, logging on as another character, packing said spells, to give said rocks a good thrashing, works as well.

2.4. The Mulrok Trade Hall

Crafted items are labelled as stolen items, and cannot be sold at regular merchants. Instead, there is a tradehall in the neutral city of Mulrok at which crafted items can be bought and sold. Mulrok can be reached by boat from either Benzor or the Underdark. The trade hall is located in the middle of the city, and has a north and south entrance. Inside the tradehall are a number of merchants who buy and sell particular types of crafted item. There are also chests beside these merchants with sample items inside them, though these samples are not 100% reliable, in particular the exceptional items with bonuses (see 5.1). Unlike regular merchants, a chat menu describes all the items available to buy and/or sell. Not all items are always available for sale from the tradehall (some are redded out, indicating lack of stock), but all crafted items (excluding arrows) should be able to be sold there. This is a good place to sell items created to level up crafts, such as leftover copper weapons made from increasing weapon crafting, leftover hides from increasing tailoring and tanning, etc.

Haste and Knockdown immunity items are terrific items for any character at any level. Most seasoned players will carry these. If you lack a haste or knockdown immunity item, these are usually sold at the trade hall, for a price. Some examples:

·         Wizard Robe, Yellow (Haste): 100,000gp. (bottom right corner of map)
·         Priest Robe, White (Knockdown Immunity): 100,000gp.
·         Exceptionally Crafted Rubicite Chainmail Coif (Haste Helmet): 253,800 gp. (bottom left corner of map)
·         Exceptionally Crafted Mithral Chainmail Coif (Knockdown Immunity Helmet): 453,600gp.

Mass production of certain crafted items to then sell at the Trade Hall is a great way of making money. Items that don’t require many types of ingredients are the best to mass produce and sell, as less time is spent gathering materials.
Here is a list of some of the good items to mass produce for profit. Sadly there is no merchant that will purchase arrows, and bows do not sell for very much, so if you are looking to make money out of crafting, it is good to venture outside of fletching and bowyering.

Recipes found later in the guide:

·         Any cured or hardened hide (tanning): 1,200 gp.
·         Any dyed cloth (tailoring): 1,900 gp.
·         Any clothes/belts/bags/gloves 2,100 gp, leather armours/cloaks/boots 4,000 gp (tailoring).
·         Boots – Lesser – Yellow, 8,000 gp (tailoring). Quite easy to make (yellow dyes from flowers, badger leather molded into small hides), good for mass production on low strength crafters.
·         Crafted Strong (Deadly) Acid/Cold/Electrical/Fire Traps (tinkering): 12,852 gp. There are various gnomish items that sell for more than this, though they require quite a lot more ingredients.
·         Normal/Exceptional Syenite Smooth Turquoise Ring (jewelcrafting): 12,675 gp normal turquiose, 24,315 gp ideal turquiose.
·         Crafted Verdicite Weapons. Verdicite Daggers are 2,080gp for normal, and 18,720gp for exceptional. They require 2 ingots, and are light blue on maximum level. Verdicite Greatswords are harder to make (red on maximum skill level), and require 8 ingots, but are the most expensive weapon to sell at 14,240 gp normal, 128,160 gp exceptional.
·         Far and away the best items to mass produce are Verdicite/Rubicite/Syenite Half Plates. 2 of the side chambers inside Black Hills contain shadow to syenite only, which can all be fairly easily mined with a decent miner. Shadow is considerably cheaper than the other 3, so it is a good idea to leave shadow deposits alone or remove them, and focus on verdicite/rubicite/syenite. The half plate made from the most expensive of these metals, syenite, sell at the trade hall for 59,360 gp normal, and 534,240 gp exceptional.

3. Ingredients and their locations

3.1. Ore

Ore is mined from mineral/rock deposits, using a pickaxe. To mine a rock, click on the rock with a pickaxe equipped. You only have to click on the rock ONCE, and your character will return to mining the rock once every 6 seconds until the deposit is destroyed. With special mining bags, crafters can be left on their own to mine and bag their ore until the deposits are destroyed. Mining bags can be crafted in tailoring. (see 4.5).
Higher strength and higher mining skill means a greater chance of chipping off an ore. Doing more damage (as in non-strength related damage) to the rock alone will not increase the chance of mining an ore (so don’t bother buffing your pickaxe as it won’t get you anywhere). Crafted pickaxes range from copper to shadow, and special near-unbreakable mithral pickaxes can be handed out at player events at the request of a DM.

Types (in order of difficulty):
• Copper
• Tinstone/Bronze
• Iron
• Silver
• Gold
• Shadow/Black Iron/Shadow Iron
• Verdicite
• Rubicite
• Syenite
• Mithral
• Adamantine
• Myrkanite

Main Ore Locations (Surface):
• Benzor Woods (North, contains mainly beginning metals)
• Black Hills (Boat from Benzor, contains all metals. There are 5 side caverns, the first 2 heading clockwise from the door are copper to gold, the next two shadow to syenite, the last mithral to myrkanite)
• West of Miners Rest
• West of Lake Wojone (North of Miners rest)
• Many of the Guild Halls

Main Ore Locations (Underdark):
• Loknar
• Chaullsin
• Scattered around the Underdark on random maps (literally).

3.2. Gems (and corresponding ability increases)

Gems are mined from mineral/rock deposits, using a pickaxe, via a similar action to ore (see 3.1). Higher strength and higher mining skill means a greater chance of chipping off a rough gem. Rough gems can then be cut into cut gems, using a gemcutter’s chisel. To use a gemcutter’s chisel, activate its special power. Gemcutter’s chisels cannot be crafted, and break easily, so it might be an idea to buy multiple chisels when cutting a lot of gems.

Types: (in order of increasing difficulty)
• Malachite (+1 Strength)
• Amethyst (+1 Charisma)
• Lapis Lazuli (+1 Dexterity)
• Turquoise (+1 Constitution)
• Opal (+1 Wisdom, +1 Will Save, -1 Strength unless Ideal, Only Usable by Good and Neutral)
• Onyx (+1 Dexterity, +1 Reflex Save, -1 Strength unless Ideal)
• Jade (+1 Intelligence)
• Pearl (+1 Wisdom)
• Sapphire (+2 Wisdom, +4 Wisdom in Mithral/Adamantine/Myrkanite Jewellry, +1 Saves vs. Negative Energy, -1 Constitution unless Ideal)
• Black Sapphire (+2 Dexterity, +1 Saves vs. Positive Energy, -1 Charisma unless Ideal, only usable by Evil)
• Fire Opal (+2 Charisma, +1 Fortitude Save, Decreases Dexterity unless Ideal)
• Ruby (+2 Constitution, +4 Constitution in Mithral/Adamantine/Myrkanite Jewellry, +1 Saves vs. Mind Spells)
• Emerald (+2 Dexterity, +1 Saves vs. Fear)
• Diamond (+2 Intelligence, Universal Saves +1)

Note: Ideal Cut Gems are cut randomly, much like exceptionally crafted items (see 5.1), and provide DOUBLE THE BONUS (abilities and saves) of an ordinary gem, as well as removing the negative effects of the gem. Ideal Sapphires and Rubies are an exception, providing a +1 ability bonus in mithral/adamantine jewellery, as opposed to doubling the standard bonus (so normal is +4, ideal is +5 not +8 ). In recipes they are sometimes referred to as ‘perfect’ gems. For more information on jewellery see 4.8.

Gem Locations (Surface):
• Black Hills
• South of Brosna
• Glittering Mines of Makanor (near Sholo)
• Many of the Guild Halls
• Benzor Fair Mine (contains Diamond and Myrkanite, which are used to craft diamond myrkanite rings, the best item to make to level the final levels of gemcrafting skill)

Gem Locations (Underdark):
• Loknar
• Chaullsin (Huuuuge Gem Mine, may be worth making a drow gem miner character just to access this mine. The side caverns at the east, northern and western edges contain high end gems. More in 2.2 and 2.3)

3.3. Animals (and Leathers)

Leathers are skinned from animals. To skin an animal, loot the animal’s corpse with a skinning knife equipped (for tips see 2.3). The facilities to cure, tan and harden leather are the Smoker’s Oven and the Water Basin. The tanning merchant sells tanning recipes, as well as the components required.

Types: (in order of increasing difficulty)
• Badger (Small)
• Deer (Medium)
• Cougar (Medium)
• Brown/Grizzly Bear (Large)
• Black Bat (Small Black)
• Panther (Medium Black)
• Black Bear (Large Black)
• White Stag (Small White)
• Winter Wolf (Medium White)
• Crag Cat (Medium White)
• Polar Bear (Large White)

Main Animal Locations (Surface):
• East of Benzor (flats, valley, eastern march and hunting fields northeast of Benzor)
• North of Benzor (Woods, Northern Pass Trade Road and Durel River)
• South of Benzor (Road, Bria’s Fay)
• Several Mines (Black Bats like caves)
• South of Brosna (past the slums and into the hills. Lots of bears and deer here)
• North of Tobaro (Great Northern Forest, winter lands)
• Tobaro Pass (South of Tobaro)
• Black Hills/Valley

Main Animal Locations (Underdark):
• Valley of Darkness (also close to South Brosna Hills)
• Surrounding all UD cities, in basically any direction
• Chaullsin Ore and Gem Mines (Bears/Badgers/Deer included)

3.4. Wood

Wood is chopped from trees. To chop wood from a tree, click on the tree with a woodsman’s axe equipped. Equip two woodsman’s axes for maximum efficiency. Woodsman’s Axes cannot be crafted, but they do not break. In general trees disappear faster than mineral rock deposits, but respawn a lot faster.

Types: (in order of increasing difficulty)
• Oak
• Elm
• Ash
• Yew
• Ironwood (not actually found on trees but in specific locations, labelled ‘woodpiles’, once per server reset)

• East of Benzor (flats, Benzor Forest east of hunting fields)
• Gloomy Forest (near Valley of Darkness)
• Sholo Forest
• Sons of Thunder Guild Hall
• Yew: Durel River (north of Benzor), Giant Mountain (north of Tobaro)
• Ironwood: Sholo, Sangrulu’s Lair (Gurnal Island)

3.5. Flowers (and corresponding dyes)

Flowers are gathered using copper tailor’s daggers. To gather flowers, click on the flower shrub with a dagger equipped. Tailor’s Daggers are not craftable, but only break in the workshop when using a tailor’s table (not picking flowers). Equip two tailors daggers for maximum efficiency. It’s also a good idea to do this with a low strength character (see 2.3).

Types: (in order of increasing difficulty)
• Iris (Aqua)
• Orcish Brewer (Black), produces the dye itself rather than the flower. A brewer can also be found in the Orc Caves (entrance off Benzor River Valley)
• Ageratum (Blue)
• Sunflower (Brown)
• Snapdragon (Bronze)
• Marigold (Gold)
• Summer Savoury (Gray)
• Spearmint (Green)
• Tarragon (Lime)
• Nasturtium (Maroon)
• Cornflower (Navy)
• Chives (Olive)
• Petunia (Purple)
• Geranium (Red)
• Dusty Miller (Silver)
• Forget-Me-Not (Teal)
• Alyssum (White)
• Everlasting (Yellow)

Note: Crafted Dyes are NOT the same as the dyes that can be bought from dye merchants. As such, they cannot be used to dye clothing directly; they are purely used for crafting.

All the flowers can be found scattered across Benzor Flats, Benzor River Valley and Eastern March for surfacers, and Valley of Darkness/Gloomy Woods for drow.

3.6. Miscellaneous Crafting Parts (Hearts, Skulls, etc.)

Miscellaneous Crafting Bits and some of their common locations, found either on merchants, specific monsters or in containers:
• +1 Weapons and Standard Weapons: Loot Drops or Weapon Merchants, usually found in major cities (e.g. Curli).
• Advanced Arrow Fletch: Gurnal Island, North Brosna Beach, Legendary Forest.
• Ancient Red Dragon Hearts: Fire Blasted Pass, Road To Veidore (north of the Gash Mountains).
• Blackberry Gems: WINGS QUEST ITEM. Found in the Bharat Duergar Vault (Northeast of Underdark Deep caverns, which is underneath and then east of Sholo, or West of Loknar). Requires a vault key to access. Key can be obtained from the dragon Renal in the Bharat Duergar sewers, in exchange for 1 Drake’s Charm of Passage (made in armour crafting).
• Black Dragon Liver: Swamp of T’rel.
• Black Dragon Scales: Lower Plane of Rage, Trommel Mine.
• Blue Dragon Breath Glands: Misty Isle Blue Dragon Pass (several sectors north of the boat).
• Bodak’s Teeth: Forgotten Tomb of Heroes, Underneath Temple of Lloth. Must be around level 10-15 to spawn them.
• Dragon Blood: Wherever there’s dragons   (except Misty Isle hehe).
• Ettercap’s Silk Glands: Benzor Woods Mine, several other mines.
• Fairy Dust: Benzor Flats, Valley of Darkness.
• Fenberries: Trommel Mines, Goblin Flats (east of Benzor).
• Fire Beetle’s Bellies: Benzor Flats, Valley of Darkness.
• Gargoyle’s Skulls: Inodrio Castle and Dungeon (on Misty Isle, final wings quest area, see 6), Bharat Duergar Lair, Dark Knight Castle.
• Lesser Amulet of the Master: Loot Drops, Desolate Wastelands Shop (in the tent).
• Lich Skull: Swamp of T’rel.
• Oil of Vukas: WINGS QUEST ITEM. Crafted by Percy the Potion Maker (Benzor). Requires 1 Blackened Treated Leather Pouch and 10 Blackberry Gems to make.
• Philema’s Eye: Damned Lair (north of Tobaro).
• Plague Demon Horns: Diseased Passage (south of Miners Rest), Gash North Road Cave.
• Quartz Crystal: Tetra’s Mine (near Chaullsin), Kabu Lighthouse, Dark Forest (east of Sholo, west of Brosna).
• Rakshasa Eyes: Kabu Cemetery, Hissing Bog (north-east of Benzor).
• Recipes: Random Loot Drops.
• Red Dragon Scales: Fire Blasted Pass, Road to Veidore.
• Scrolls: Kabu Gnome Village Magic Shop, some level 3 scrolls and under can be bought from the magic shop in Benzor.
• Skeleton’s Knuckles: Benzor Cemetery, low level crypts. Must be around level 1-5 to spawn them.
• Will o Wisp Essences: Trommel Woods, Swamp of T’rel.

4. Recipes and Item Information

Information regarding item properties, item ingredient properties and special recipe items can be found here. Special recipe items are highlighted in bold, and items which mighn’t necessarily be recipe items but deserve a mention are underlined. The recipe items which themselves consume the recipe in production (and thus require a recipe to make) have ‘1 Recipe’ marked in their ingredient list. Further info on recipe items, including item consumption risk, can be found here.

4.1 Armourcrafting

Standard armour, helmets and shields can be made from metals ranging from copper to mithral (see 3.1 for more info), with some recipe item armours requiring higher metals. The crafting merchant (blacksmith) sells cloth padding and crafted studded leather armour; cured/tanned/hardened hides are skinned from animals and crafted via tanning (see 3.3). Copper ingots can also be purchased from the tinkering merchant (see 4.7). It is also possible to craft ‘exceptional’ standard armour, and some come with unique bonuses, in particular Haste and Knockdown Immunity. For more information on exceptionally crafted armour see 5.1.

Metal properties for medium body armour (bludgeoning replaces slashing resistance for heavy armour, helmets and shields vary slightly):
• Copper Properties: Weight Reduction 80%.
• Bronze Properties: Acid Resistance 5 / –
• Iron Properties: AC Bonus +1.
• Silver Properties: AC Bonus +1, AC Bonus vs. Undead +4, Only Usable by Non-Evil characters.
• Gold Properties: AC Bonus +2, Electrical Resistance 5 / -, Slashing Resistance 5 / -, Saving Throw vs. Electrical +1.
• Shadow Properties: AC Bonus +2, Slashing Resistance 5 / -, Magical Resistance 5 / -, Spell Resistance 10, Only Usable by Non-Good Characters.
• Verdicite Properties: AC Bonus +3, Acid Resistance 10 / -, Slashing Resistance 5 / -, Saving Throws vs. Acid +2.
• Rubicite Properties: AC Bonus +3, Fire Resistance 10 / -, Slashing Resistance 5 / -, Saving Throws vs. Fire +2.
• Syenite Properties: AC Bonus +3, Fire Resistance 10 / -, Slashing Resistance 5 / -, Saving Throws vs. Cold +2.
• Mithral Properties: AC Bonus +3, Magical Resistance 5 / -, Negative Resistance 5 / -, Slashing Resistance 5 / -, Weight Reduction 60%.

Body Armour:
• Scale Mail: 6 ingots, 1 Cured Medium Leather Hide.
• Chain Shirt: 8 Ingots, 1 Cloth Padding.
• Chainmail: 16 ingots, 2 Cloth Padding.
• Breastplate: 22 Ingots, 1 Crafted Studded Leather Armour.
• Splint Mail: 16 Ingots, 2 Cured Large Leather Hide, 3 Cloth Padding.
• Banded Mail: 20 Ingots, 2 Tanned Large Leather Hide, 3 Cloth Padding.
• Half-Plate: 28 Ingots. Good for mass production (see 2.4).
• Full-Plate: 40 Ingots, 2 Hardened Large Leather Hide.
Windwalker Breastplate. Base Item: Breastplate. Special Properties: Armour Bonus vs Undead: +1 AC, Damage Immunity Increased: Slashing 5%, Dexterity +2, Improved Saving Throws vs Fear +2, Reduced Saving Throws vs Electrical -1, Call Lightning (10) 1 Use/Day, Color Spray (2) 3 Uses/Day, Lightning Bolt (5) 3 Uses/Day, Weight Reduction 40%. Ingredients: 22 Silver Ingots, 1 Crafted Studded Leather Armour, 2 Blue Dragon Breath Glands.
Drow Chainmail. Base Item: Chainmail. Special Properties: AC Bonus vs. Good +2, AC Bonus vs. Lawful +2, 5/- Cold Resistance, 5/- Fire Resistance, 5/- Piercing Resistance, 20% Weight Reduction, Only Usable By Elf, Only Usable by Evil. Ingredients: 1 Scroll of Shades, 16 Shadow Ingots, 8 Cloth Padding.
Braveheart. WINGS QUEST ITEM. Base Item: Breastplate. Special Properties: 30/- Fire Resistance, Improved Saving Throws vs. Fire +5, Light 15m (Red). Ingredients: 24 Rubicite Ingots, 1 Crafted Studded Leather Armour, 2 Ancient Red Dragon Hearts.
Fire-Blasted Red Plate. Base Item: Full Plate. Special Properties: AC Bonus vs. Dragons +6, AC Bonus +4, 30/- Fire Resistance, Immunity to Fear, Light 20m (Red), Discipline +10, Weight Reduction 80%. Ingredients: 30 Mithral Ingots, 30 Rubicite Ingots, 1 Crafted Studded Leather Armour, 10 Ancient Red Dragon Hearts, 20 Red Dragon Scales, 20 Dragon Blood. Maximum Crafting Rating: Blue.
Gold Dragon Armour. Base Item: Full Plate. Special Properties: AC Bonus +4, 20/- Electrical Resistance, Light 15m (Yellow), Regeneration +1, Weight Reduction 40%. Ingredients: 30 Gold Ingots, 1 Recipe, 2 Blue Dragon Breath Glands, 10 Red Dragon Scales, 2 Ancient Red Dragon Hearts, 2 Large Hardened Hides.
Armour of the Black Knight. Base Item: Full Plate. Special Properties: AC Bonus vs. Good +5, AC Bonus +4, Regeneration +1, Weight Reduction 60%, Only Usable by Evil, Only Usable by Neutral. Ingredients: 2 Large Hardened Black Hides, 25 Shadow Ingots, 1 Ancient Red Dragon Heart, 1 Lich Skull, 1 Plague Demon Horn, 1 Recipe.
Armour of the White Knight. Base Item: Full Plate. Special Properties: AC Bonus vs Evil +5, AC Bonus +4, Regeneration +1, Weight Reduction 60%, Only Usable by Good, Only Usable by Neutral. Ingredients: 2 Large Hardened White Hides, 25 Mithral Ingots, 1 Ancient Red Dragon Heart, 1 Lich Skull, 1 Plague Demon Horn, 1 Recipe.
Rainbow Rainment. Base Item: Chainmail. Special Properties: AC Bonus +5, Only Usable by Chaotic, Only Usable by Neutral, Immunity to Colour Spray, Immunity to Prismatic Spray, Colour Spray (2) 3 Uses/Day, Prismatic Spray (13) 1 Use/Day, 80% Weight Reduction. Ingredients: NO TANNED HIDES (contrary to recipe), 5 verdicite ingots, 5 rubicite ingots, 5 syenite ingots, 10 silver ingots, 3 Ideal Diamonds, 1 Scroll of Prismatic Spray, 1 Recipe.

• Open Helm: 7 Ingots.
• Chainmail Coif: 10 Ingots.
Helm of the Gargoyle. Base Item: Helmet. Special Properties: AC Bonus +2, Use Stoneskin (7) 2 Uses/Day. Ingredients: 8 adamantine ingots, 4 Gargoyle Skulls.
Semli’s Helm. Base Item: Helmet. Special Properties: Light 10m (White), Concentration +2, Discipline +10, Harm (11) 1 Use/Day, Mass Heal (15) 1 Use/Day. Ingredients: 10 Adamantine Ingots, 10 Myrkanite Ingots, 10 Mithral Ingots, 1 Philema’s Eye, 5 Rakshasa’s Eyes, 3 Potions of Heal.

• Small Shield: 4 Ingots, 1 Tanned Small Leather Hide.
• Large Shield: 6 Ingots, 1 Tanned Medium Leather Hide.
• Tower Shield: 8 Ingots, 1 Tanned Large Leather Hide.
Trebor’s Barricade. Base Item: Large Shield. Special Properties: AC Bonus vs. Chaotic +1, AC Bonus vs. Evil +1, DR +2 Soak 5, Intelligence +2, Regeneration +1. Ingredients: 16 Rubicite Ingots, 1 Lich Skull, 2 Medium Tanned Hides.
Shield of Algoroth. Base Item: Large Shield. Special Properties: AC Bonus +4, Fire Immunity 25%. 2 Large Tanned White Hides, 10 Ingots of Silver, 1 Plague Demon Horns, 5 Red Dragon Scales, 1 Recipe.

• Copper Stud (1): 1 Copper Ingot.
Drake’s Charm of Passage. WINGS QUEST ITEM. Base Item: Amulet. Ingredients: 4 gold ingots, 2 cut emeralds, 1 scroll of knock.

4.2. Weaponcrafting

Standard weapons can be made from metals ranging from copper to verdicite (see 3.1 for more info), with some recipe item weapons requiring higher metals. Some weapons require oak staves, which are chopped from trees (see 3.4). Copper ingots can also be purchased from the tinkering merchant (see 4.7). It is also possible to craft ‘exceptional’ standard weapons. For more information on exceptionally crafted gear see 5.1.

Metal properties for daggers (other weapons may vary slightly):
• Copper Properties: Weight Reduction 80%.
• Bronze Properties: Attack Bonus +1.
• Iron Properties: Enhancement Bonus +1.
• Silver Properties: Enhancement Bonus vs. Undead +2, Enhancement Bonus vs. Shapechangers +2, Saving Throws vs. Fear +2.
• Gold Properties: Enhancement Bonus +2, Electrical 1d4 Damage, Light 10m (Yellow).
• Shadow Properties: Enhancement Bonus +2, On Hit Ability Drain DC-14 Constitution.
• Verdicite Properties: Enhancement Bonus +3, Acid 1d4 Damage.

• Handaxe: 4 Ingots.
• Double Axe: 12 Ingots, 1 Short Oak Stave.
• Dwarven Waraxe: 10 Ingots.
• Battleaxe: 6 Ingots.
• Greataxe: 8 Ingots.
Blade of the Gargoyle. Base Item Battleaxe. Special Properties: Slashing 1d6 Damage, Enhancement Bonus +2, Use Stoneskin (7) 1 Use / Day. Ingredients: 15 Adamantine Ingots, 4 Gargoyle Skulls, 2 Black Dragon Scales. Side note: As a battleaxe is itself a slashing weapon, the enhancement bonus and slashing damage DO NOT STACK. As such as a standard weapon, this only deals 1d6 slashing damage (no enhancement). If buffed with greater magic weapon, the enhancement overrides, and the weapon no longer deals 1d6 slashing damage.
Mage Hunter Axes. Base Item: Throwing Axe (50). Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +2, On Hit Silence DC-14 5% / 5 Rounds. Ingredients: 10 silver ingots, 5 short oak staves, 2 Will’o’Wisp Essences.
Golden Axes of Holding. Base Item: Throwing Axe (50). Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +2, On Hit Hold DC-14 5% / 5 Rounds. Ingredients: 10 gold ingots, 5 short oak staves, 2 Ettercap’s Silk Glands.
Verdicite Throwing Axes. Base Item: Throwing Axe (50). Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +2, 1d6 Acid Damage. Ingredients: 10 Verdicite ingots, 5 short oak Staves, 1 Quartz Crystal.
Skeleton Axes. Base Item: Throwing Axe (50). Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +2, Enhancement Bonus vs. Undead +4, Extra Ranged Damage Bludgeoning. Ingredients: 10 Mithral Ingots, 5 Short Oak Staves, 5 Skeleton Knuckles, ONE +1 THROWING AXE (contrary to recipe).
Dwarven Waraxe (the recipe item, not to be confused with the standard crafted dwarven waraxe). Base Item: Dwarven Waraxe. Special Properties: 1 Slashing Damage, Only Usable by Dwarf. Ingredients: 6 Mithral Ingots, 6 Iron Ingots, 1 Ironwood. Must be a Dwarven Crafter to make this item.

• Dagger: 2 Ingots.
• Longsword: 6 Ingots.
• Two-Bladed Sword: 12 Ingots, 1 Short Oak Stave.
• Greatsword: 8 Ingots.
• Bastard Sword: 8 Ingots.
• Shortsword: 4 Ingots.
• Katana: 9 Ingots.
• Katana Masterwork – Mithral: 2 Gold Ingots, 9 Mithral Ingots. Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +3, Damage Bonus vs. Evil 1d4 Positive. The 1 slashing damage is redundant as a katana is a slashing weapon, so enhancement takes priority.
• Katana Masterwork – Black: 2 Iron Ingots, 9 Shadow Ingots. Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +3, Damage Bonus vs. Good 1d4 Negative. The 1 slashing damage is redundant as a katana is a slashing weapon, so enhancement takes priority.
• Rapier: 5 Ingots.
• Scimitar: 6 Ingots.
Swift Tooth. Base Item: Rapier. Special Properties: Attack Bonus vs. Evil +2, Dexterity +1, On Hit Slow DC-14 25% / 3 Rounds, Summon Creature V (9) 1 Use/Day. Ingredients: 8 Shadow Ingots, 4 Will’o’Wisp Essences.
Brock’s Dagger of Mithral. WINGS QUEST ITEM. Base Item: Dagger. Special Properties: Attack Bonus 3, Piercing 3 Damage, On Hit Daze DC-14 25% / 3 Rounds. Ingredients: 6 Mithral Ingots, 1 Scroll of Daze, 1 Oil of Vukas (see 3.6 for more info), 1 Will’o’Wisp Essence.
Flame Dagger. Base Item: Dagger. Special Properties: 1 Fire Damage. Ingredients: 2 iron ingots, 2 Fire Beetle’s Bellies.
Glimmering Shortsword of Crimson. Base Item: Shortsword. Special Properties: Enhancemenet Bonus +1, Vampiric Regeneration +3, Light 20m (Red). Ingredients: 2 Scrolls of Light, 8 Rubicite Ingots.
Golden Rapier of the Cortier. Base Item: Rapier. Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +1, Charisma +1, On Hit Hold DC-14 50% / 2 Rounds, Persuade +1. Ingredients: 2 Dragon Blood, 4 Will’o’Wisp Essences, 10 Gold Ingots.
Biting Bastard Blade. Base Item: Bastard Sword. Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +3, Piercing 1d4 Damage, Fire 1d6 Damage vs. Undead, Keen. Ingredients: 10 gold ingots, 10 iron ingots, 3 Bodak’s Teeth, 3 Dragon Blood.
Katana of the Dragons. Base Item: Katana. Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +4, Sonic 5 Damage, Keen, Discipline +9. Ingredients: 20 Dragon Blood, 10 Ancient Red Dragon Hearts, 10 Blue Dragon Breath Glands, 20 Adamantine Ingots.
Longsword of Algoroth. Base Item: Longsword. Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +3, 1d6 Cold Damage, Keen. Ingredients: 20 mithral ingots, 2 Lich Skulls, 4 Ideal Rubies, 1 Recipe.
Capricious Blade. Base Item: Dagger. Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +3, On Hit Stun DC-22 50% / 3 Rounds. Ingredients: 5 mithral ingots, 1 Red Dragon Scale, 1 Fairy Dust, 1 Recipe.
The Haze. Base Item: Shortsword. Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +3, 1d6 Acid Damage, Keen. Ingredients: 10 mithal ingots, 4 Ideal Emeralds, 2 Red Dragon Scales, 1 Recipe.

• Mace: 3 Ingots.
• Light Flail: 5 Ingots.
• Heavy Flail: 7 Ingots.
• Dire Mace: 10 Ingots.
• Morningstar: 8 Ingots.
• Light Hammer: 4 Ingots.
• Warhammer: 8 Ingots.
Golden Mace of Confinement. Base Item: Mace. Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +1, Massive Criticals 1d4, Web (3) 3 Uses/Day. Ingredients: 3 gold ingots, 2 Ettercap’s Silk Glands.
The Growl. Base Item: Warhammer. Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +3, On Hit Confusion DC-16 75% / 1 Round, On Hit Deafness DC-16 50% / 2 Rounds. Ingredients: 15 Adamantine, 2 Blue Dragon Breath Glands, 2 Ideal Emeralds, 1 Recipe.

• Quarterstaff: 2 Ingots, 1 Long Oak Stave.
• Halberd: 7 Ingots, 1 Long Oak Stave.
• Scythe: 8 Ingots, 1 Long Oak Stave.
• Spear: 2 Ingots, 1 Long Oak Stave.
Quarterstaff of Fear. Base Item: Quarterstaff. Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +2, Acid 1d6 Damage, On Hit Fear DC-14 25% / 3 Rounds. Ingredients: 1 Quarterstaff +1, 4 Will’o’Wisp Essences, 2 Black Dragon Livers, 5 Mithral Ingots.
Quarterstaff of Wounding. Base Item: Quarterstaff. Special Ingredients: Enhancement Bonus +3, On Hit Wounding DC-16. Ingredients: 1 Quarterstaff +1, 5 Mithral Ingots, 5 Adamantine Ingots, 2 Dragon Blood, 2 Bodak’s Teeth.

• Kama: 2 Ingots.
• Kukri: 4 Ingots.
• Sickle: 4 Ingots.
Composite Longbow of Distant Death (yes, this is a longbow, in the exotic weapons section). Base Item: Longbow. Special Properties: Attack Bonus +4, Dexterity +3, Mighty +4. Ingredients: 4 Ironwood, 10 Mithral Ingots, 4 Will’o’Wisp Essences.
The Harvester. Base Item: Scythe. Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +3, On Hit Dispel Magic DC-14. Ingredients: 10 Mithral Ingots, 10 Adamantine Ingots, 2 Lich Skulls, 1 Plague Demon Horn, 1 Recipe.
Curved Death. Base Item: Kukri. Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +3, Light 20m (White), On Hit Blindness DC-20 75% / 1 Round. Ingredients: 5 Mithral Ingots, 1 Ancient Red Dragon Heart, 1 Ideal Diamond, 1 Recipe.
Demonic Fury. Base Item: Scimitar. Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +3, Animate Dead (15) 1 Use/Day, Vampiric Regeneration +2. Ingredients: 15 Mithral Ingots, 2 Plague Demon Horns, 1 Recipe.
The Screaming Cleaver. Base Item: Kukri. Special Properties: Enhancement Bonus +4, Keen, Massive Criticals 1d10, Attacks Bonus vs. Undead +5, Damage Bonus vs. Undead 1d10 Sonic, Decreased Hide -6, Decreased Move Silently -6. Ingredients: 5 Mithral Ingots, 5 Adamantine Ingots, 5 Ideal Diamonds, 1 Lich Skull, 1 Bodak’s Tooth, 5 Skeleton’s Knuckles, 1 Recipe.

• Basic Arrowhead: 1 Iron Ingot.
• Hooked Arrowhead: 1 Iron Ingot.
• Bladed Arrowhead: 1 Iron Ingot.
• Advanced Arrowhead: 1 Iron Ingot.
• Mithral Arrowhead: 1 Mithral Ingot.

Most (not all) tools range from copper to shadow. Some mithral tools can be won as prizes in crafter events, keep a lookout for those.
• Smithing Hammer: 4 Ingots.
• Pickaxe: 5 Ingots.
• Skinning Knife: 3 Ingots.
• Paring Knife: 3 Ingots.
• Fletching Knife: 3 Ingots.
• Tinkering Tool: 3 Ingots.

4.3. Bowyering

Standard bows are crafted from wood staves, chopped from trees (see 3.4). Some special bows require ironwood, which aren’t chopped from trees but are found in special locations once/reset (see 3.6). It is also possible to craft ‘exceptional’ standard bows. For more information on exceptionally crafted gear see 5.1.

In general, a bow requires:
• A wooden stave (short staves for shortbows and light crossbows, long staves for longbows and heavy crossbows),
• A bow string (made of hemp, silk, waxed leather cord for compound bows, or metal bow string for some special bows)
• A Pumice Stone if it is a Smooth Bow,
• 2 Compound Bow Pulleys if it is a Compound Bow.

All bowyering equipment (besides the wood and metal bowstrings) can be purchased from the Master Fletcher NPC. Waxed Leather Cord can also be crafted in tanning, and Compound Bow Pulleys, along with metal bowstrings, can be crafted in tinkering. Further info on bows can be found here.

Wood properties (vary slightly for different bowstrings/rough or smoothness):
• Oak: Weight Reduction 80%
• Elm: +1 AB
• Ash: +1 AB, Weight Reduction 80%.
• Yew: +2 AB.
Composite Longbows usually come with +2 mighty.

There are also recipe bows which require other components. These are:

Bow of Flowers. Base Item: Shortbow. Special Properties: Attack Bonus +1, Weight Reduction 80%, Use Charm Person or Animal (3) 1 Use / Day, Use Cure Light Wounds (2) 1 Use / Day. Ingredients: 1 Smooth Elm Silk Shortbow, 2 Fairy Dust, 1 Flower – Marigold, 1 Flower – Petunia, 1 Flower – Tarragon, 1 Flower – Spearmint.

Chameleon Crossbow. Base Item: Light Crossbow. Special Properties: Attack Bonus +1, Hide +6, Weight Reduction 80%. Ingredients: 1 Light Smooth Oak Hemp Crossbow, 2 Dye – Olive, 2 Dye – Brown, 2 Dye – Aqua, 3 Skeleton Knuckles.

Special Bows:
Mith-Baruk Hunter Crossbow. Base Item: Heavy Crossbow. Special Properties: Attacks Bonus vs. Dwarves +4, Attack Bonus +2, Mighty +3, Weight Reduction 80%. Ingredients: 1 Long Ash Stave, 1 iron bow string, 2 Bodak’s Teeth, 1 Pumice Stone, 10 Shadow Ingots.
Kai’leth’s Rage. Base Item: Longbow. Special Properties: Attack Bonus vs. Evil +4, Attack Bonus +2, Light 20m (White), Mighty +3, Use Clarity (3) 1 Use / Day, Weight Reduction 80%, Only Usable by Lawful Good. Ingredients: 1 Long Yew Stave, 1 Silver Bowstring, 8 silver ingots, 4 Dragon Blood.
Shortbow of Dark and Distant Death. Base Item: Shortbow. Special Properties: Attack Bonus +2, Mighty +3, Move Silently +3, Massive Criticals 1d4, Use Darkness (3) 1 Use / Day, Use Silence (3) 1 Use / Day. Ingredients: 1 Short Yew Stave, 1 Iron Bow String, 1 Darkness Scroll, 1 Silence Scroll, 4 Dragon Blood, 2 Compound Bow Pulley.
Whispering Wind. Base Item: Longbow. Special Properties: Attack Bonus +2, Mighty +3, Massive Critical 1d8, Hide +3, Move Silently +3, Use Haste (5) 1 Use / Day. Ingredients: 1 Long Yew Stave, 1 Silver Bowstring, 2 Fairy Dust, 1 Scroll of Haste, 4 Will’o’Wisp Essences, 8 Silver Ingots.
Demon Bane Shortbow. Base Item: Shortbow. Special Properties: Attack Bonus +5, Strength +2, Massive Criticals 1d6, Mighty +5, Immunity to Disease. Ingredients: 2 Short Yew Staves, 2 Plague Demon Horns, 1 Mithral Bowstring, 4 Ideal Emeralds, 8 Dragon Blood, 8 Mithral Ingots. Maximum Crafting Rating: Dark Blue.
High-Elven Court Bow. Base Item: Longbow. Special Properties: Attack Bonus +5, Constitution +2, Mighty +5, Discipline +5, Massive Criticals 2d6. Ingredients: 2 Long Yew Staves, 2 Ironwood, 10 Adamantine Ingots, 1 Mithral Bow String, 2 Compound Bow Pulleys, 10 Dragon Blood, 4 Ideal Rubies. Must be an Elven Crafter to make this item. Maximum Crafting Rating: Red. This is the only crafted item that’s non-drop; if you wish to transfer it to another character you’ll have to ask a DM to help.

4.4. Fletching

Fletching is one of the easiest primary skills to master, as all arrows can be made once skill reaches 260/400. That said it is also one of the most expensive, requiring essences to be bought from merchants. Arrows also cannot be sold at Mulrok Trade Hall. All arrows and bolts are crafted in batches of 20.

In general, one batch of arrows/bolts requires:
• A basic oak shaft (either bought from the merchant, or crafted from short oak staves),
• An arrow fletch (basic or advanced),
• An arrowhead (basic, hooked, bladed, advanced or mithral).
• Elemental (fire, electrical, acid, cold) arrows require essences of the corresponding elemental type.

All fletching components, bar mithral arrowheads, can be purchased from the Fletcher merchant. Advanced arrow fletches can be looted off some types of birds. Arrowheads can be crafted in weaponcrafting (under ammunition), and advanced/mithral arrowheads are needed for arrows requiring elemental essences.

• Basic Crafted Arrow/Bolt: 1 Crafted Basic Arrow Head, 1 Basic Arrow Shaft, 1 Basic Arrow Fletch.
• Hooked Arrow/Bolt: 1 Crafted Hooked Arrow Head, 1 Basic Arrow Shaft, 1 Basic Arrow Fletch. Special Properties: Piercing 2 Damage.
• Bladed Arrow/Bolt: 1 Crafted Bladed Arrow Head, 1 Basic Arrow Shaft, 1 Basic Arrow Fletch. Special Properties: Slashing 2 Damage.
• Piercing Arrow/Bolt: 1 Crafted Bladed Arrow Head, 1 Basic Arrow Shaft, 1 Basic Arrow Fletch. Special Properties: Piercing 1d4 Damage.
• Flaming Arrow/Bolt: 1 Crafted Advanced Arrow Head, 1 Basic Arrow Shaft, 1 Basic Arrow Fletch, 1 Essence of Fire. Special Properties: Fire 1d4 Damage.
• Electrical Arrow/Bolt: 1 Crafted Advanced Arrow Head, 1 Basic Arrow Shaft, 1 Basic Arrow Fletch, 1 Essence of Electricity. Special Properties: Electrical 3 Damage.
• Acid Arrow/Bolt: 1 Crafted Advanced Arrow Head, 1 Basic Arrow Shaft, 1 Basic Arrow Fletch, 1 Essence of Acid. Special Properties: Acid 1d6 Damage.
• Frozen Arrow/Bolt: 1 Crafted Advanced Arrow Head, 1 Basic Arrow Shaft, 1 Basic Arrow Fletch, 1 Essence of Cold. Special Properties: Cold 1d6 Damage, Piercing 1 Damage.
• Greater Flaming Arrow/Bolt: 1 Crafted Mithral Arrow Head, 1 Basic Arrow Shaft, 1 Advanced Arrow Fletch, 1 Essence of Electricity. Special Properties: Fire 1d8 Damage, Piercing 1 Damage.
• Greater Electrical Arrow/Bolt: 1 Crafted Mithral Arrow Head, 1 Basic Arrow Shaft, 1 Advanced Arrow Fletch, 1 Essence of Electricity. Special Properties: Electrical 1d8 Damage, Piercing 1 Damage.
• Greater Acid Arrow/Bolt: 1 Crafted Mithral Arrow Head, 1 Basic Arrow Shaft, 1 Advanced Arrow Fletch, 1 Essence of Electricity. Special Properties: Acid 1d8 Damage, Piercing 1 Damage.
• Greater Frozen Arrow/Bolt: 1 Crafted Mithral Arrow Head, 1 Basic Arrow Shaft, 1 Advanced Arrow Fletch, 1 Essence of Electricity. Special Properties: Cold 1d8 Damage, Piercing 1 Damage.
• Greater Elemental Arrow/Bolt (not a recipe item, but deals far more damage than any other arrow): 1 Crafted Mithral Arrow Head, 1 Basic Arrow Shaft, 1 Advanced Arrow Fletch, 1 Essence of Fire, 1 Essence of Electricity, 1 Essence of Acid, 1 Essence of Cold. Special Properties: Acid 4 Damage, Cold 4 Damage, Electrical 4 Damage, Fire 4 Damage, Sonic 4 Damage.
Mind Shifters. Base Item: Arrow (20). Special Properties: Fire Damage 1d4, On Hit Confusion DC-18 25% / 3 Rounds. Ingredients: 1 Mithral Arrow Head, 1 Basic Arrow Shaft, 1 Fairy Dust, 1 Advanced Arrow Fletch, 1 Essence of Fire.

4.5. Tailoring: Table

Almost all tailored items are crafted from animal hides, apart from dye. While it is possible to level most of the way through tailoring by making dyes alone, a high tanning skill is required to craft hardened hides, which are combined with dye to make cloth (for more info on tanning hides, see 3.3). All Belts, Cloaks, Gloves, Clothing/Robes, Light Armour, Bags and Boots, with a few exceptions (see below), are all made from dyed cloth. Dyes and cloths are crafted under miscellaneous.

The properties of most tailored items are not linked to the dye or cloth type (several items made by the same dye have different bonuses) so the properties of each tailored item have been provided.

The general ingredients for each item are:
• 1 Dye: 1 Flower (see 3.5 to check what dye each flower makes)
• 1 Small Dyed Cloth: 1 Hardened Small Leather Hide, 1 Dye.
• 1 Medium Dyed Cloth: 1 Hardened Medium Leather Hide, 1 Dye.
• 1 Large Dyed Cloth: 1 Hardened Large Leather Hide, 1 Dye.
• 1 Cloth Padding: 2 Hardened Medium Leather Hides. Cloth Padding can also be purchased from the BLACKSMITHING merchant.
• Belts: 1 Medium Dyed Cloth.
• Cloaks: 2 Large Dyed Cloths.
• Gloves: 2 Small Dyed Cloths.
• Clothes: 1 Large Dyed Cloth.
• Armours: 2 Large Dyed Cloths.
• Bags: 1 Medium Dyed Cloth.
• Mining Bags: 1 Large Dyed Cloth.
• Boots: 2 Small Dyed Cloths.

• Aqua. Special Properties: Light 15m (White).
• Black. Special Properties: Light 15m (White), Discipline +4.
• Blue. Special Properties: Light 15m (White), Perform +4.
• Brown. Special Properties: Constitution +1.
• Bronze. Special Properties: Spell Resistance 12.
• Gold. Special Properties: Intelligence +1.
• Gray. Special Properties: Charisma +1.
• Green. Special Properties: Deflection AC Bonus +2.
• Lime. Special Properties: Bonus Feat Alertness.
• Maroon. Special Properties: Bonus Feat Weapon Specialisation (unarmed strike).
• Navy. Special Properties: Use Aid (3) 1 Use/Day, Use Barkskin (12) 1 Use/Day.
• Olive. Special Properties: Deflection AC Bonus +3.
• Purple. Special Properties: AC Bonus vs. Dragons +2 Deflection, 10 / – Piercing Resistance, 10% Bludgeoning Vulnerability.
• Red. Special Properties: Saves vs. Cold +5, Saves vs. Electrical +5.
• Silver. Special Properties: Bonus Feat Point Black Shot, Hide +10, Move Silently +10.
• Teal. Special Properties: Deflection AC Bonus +5.
• White. Special Properties: Strength +3, Deflection AC Bonus +2.
• Yellow. Special Properties: Intelligence +2.

• Aqua. Special Properties: Deflection AC Bonus +1.
• Black. Special Properties: Deflection AC Bonus +2.
• Blue. Special Properties: Deflection AC Bonus +3.
• Brown. Special Properties: Universal Saves +2.
• Bronze. Special Properties: Universal Saves +1.
• Gold. Special Properties: Universal Saves +3.

• Aqua. Plain Gloves.
• Black. Also Plain Gloves.
• Blue. Wanna hazard a guess?

• Aqua, Citizen’s Outfit. Plain Cloth.
• Black, Assassin’s Garb. Plain Cloth.
• Blue, Commoner’s Tunic. Plain Cloth.
• Brown, Adventurer’s Robe. Plain Cloth.
• Bronze, Adept’s Tunic. Plain Cloth.
• Gold, Sorcerer’s Robe. Plain Cloth.
• Gray, Gladiator’s Outfit. Plain Cloth.
• Green, Woodsman’s Outfit. Plain Cloth.
• Lime, Performer’s Outfit. Plain Cloth.
• Maroon, Barbarian’s Outfit. Plain Cloth.
• Navy, Master Adventurer’s Robe. Plain Cloth.
• Olive, Commoner’s Outfit. Plain Cloth.
• Purple, Conjurer’s Robe. Plain Cloth.
• Red., Demony’s Outfit. Plain Cloth.
• Silver, Illusionist’s Robe. Plain Cloth.
• Teal, Jester’s Outfit. Plain Cloth
• White, Priest’s Robe. Special Properties: AC Bonus +2, Immunity to Knockdown.
• Yellow, Wizard’s Robe. Special Properties: AC Bonus +2, Haste.
Arcane Robes. Base Item: Robe. Special Properties: AC Bonus +3, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Spell Focus (Enchantment), Spell Focus (Evocation), Universal Saves +1. Ingredients: 2 Large Black Cloth, 1 Mantle of Abjuration, 2 Lich Skulls, 1 Fairy Dust, 1 Ideal Diamond, 1 Recipe.
Shadow Cloak. Base Item: Robe. Special Properties: AC Bonus +4, Darkvision, Hide +5, Move Silently +5, Tumble +5, Weight Reduction 80%. Ingredients: 2 Large Black Cloths, 1 Plague Demon Horns, 2 Fairy Dust, 1 Blue Dragon Breath Gland, 1 Recipe.

• Aqua Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: AC Bonus +1.
• Black Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: AC Bonus +1, Light 5m (Orange).
• Blue Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: AC Bonus +2.
• Brown Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: AC Bonus +1, Strength +1.
• Bronze Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: AC Bonus +1, Light 5m (Orange), On Hit Daze Level 1.
• Gold Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: AC Bonus +1, Bonus Feat Point Blank Shot.
• Gray Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: AC Bonus +2, Dexterity +2.
• Green Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: Bonus Feat Improved Critical (unarmed strike), Bonus Feat Power Attack.
• Lime Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: AC Bonus vs. Evil +5, AC Bonus vs. Neutral +5.
• Maroon Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: AC Bonus vs. Good +5, AC Bonus vs. Lawful +5.
• Navy Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: AC Bonus +3, Bonus Feat Dodge.
• Olive Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: Set Trap +10, Spell Resistance 16.
• Purple Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: AC Bonus vs. Elf +5, AC Bonus vs. Half-Elf +5.
• Red Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: Damage Reduction +4 Soak 5.
• Silver Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: 5 / – Bludgeoning Resistance, 5 / – Slashing Resistance, 5 / – Piercing Resistance, Spell Immunity Magic Missle.
• Teal Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: 30 / – Electrical Resistance, 10 / – Slashing Resistance, Cold Vulnerability 25%, Light 15m (Green).
• White Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: Spell School Immunity: Necromancy, Use Haste (5) 3 Uses / Day. Good for Low AC/Tanky characters or dragon shifters.
• Yellow Padded/Leather Armour. Special Properties: AC Bonus +3, Spell Resistance 18.
• Aqua Studded Leather Armour. Plain Studded Leather Armour.
• Aqua Hide Leather Armour. Plain Hide Armour.
• Aqua Monk Outfit. Special Properties: AC Bonus +1, Only Usable by Monk.
• Black Monk Outfit. Special Properties: Bonus Feat Power Attack, Only Usable by Monk.
• Blue Monk Outfit. Special Properties: Weapon Specialisation Unarmed Strike, Only Usable by Monk.
• Brown Monk Outfit. Special Properties: Use Barkskin (3) 1 Use / Day, Only Usable by Monk.
• Aqua Mage Robes. Special Properties: AC Bonus +1, Only Usable by Sorcerer or Wizard.
Armour of Algoroth. Base Item: Leather Armour. Special Properties: AC Bonus +4, Slashing Immunity 10%, Immunity to Fear, Light 15m (Yellow). Ingredients: 2 Large Silver Cloths, 1 Large Black Cloth, 5 Gold Ingots, 1 Ancient Red Dragon Heart, 2 Perfect Fire Opals, Lots of Dragon Blood, 1 Recipe.

• Aqua. Special Properties: Reduced Weight 80%.
• Black. Special Properties: Reduced Weight 60%.
• Blue. Special Properties: Reduced Weight 40%.
• Brown. Special Properties: Reduced Weight 20%.
• Aqua Mining Bag. Special Properties: Reduced Weight 80%. SPECIAL MINING BAG (see 2.3)
• Black Mining Bag. Special Properties: Reduced Weight 80%. SPECIAL MINING BAG (see 2.3)

• Small Leather Hide. NOT CRAFTABLE.
• Medium Leather Hide. NOT CRAFTABLE.
• Large Leather Hide. NOT CRAFTABLE.
• Aqua. Special Properties: 5 / – Acid Resistance.
• Yellow. Special Properties: 5 / – Acid Resistance, Wisdom +1, Spell Resistance 10. Good for mass production (see 2.4).

I’ve tried basically every leather combination for small, medium and large leather hide boots, as well as a cloth belt, and none seem to work. In the grand scheme of things they’re probably pretty useless anyway, but if you manage to find the recipe for them, please let me know.

4.6. Tanning (Sewing Kit)

While Tanning itself is a secondary skill, several items can be sewn through tanning using a Tanner’s Sewing Kit. They are independent to similar items crafted in tailoring, and require different materials. The most difficult item to sew, a pouch, is required for the wings quest. All auxiliary items required for tanning (besides the animal hides) can be purchased from a tanning merchant, along with the Sewing Kit.

Sewing Kit:
• Small Miner’s Bag. Ingredients: 2 Tanned Small Leather Hide, 1 Small Bag Pattern.
• Medium Miner’s Bag. Special Properties: Reduced Container Content Weight 20%. Ingredients: 2 Tanned Medium Leather Hides, 1 Medium Bag Pattern.
• Large Miner’s Bag. Special Properties: Reduced Container Content Weight 40%. Ingredients: 2 Tanned Large Leather Hides, 1 Large Bag Pattern.
• Small Leather Bag. Special Properties: Reduced Container Content Weight 20%. Ingredients: 2 Hardened Small Leather Hides, 1 Small Bag Pattern.
• Medium Leather Bag. Special Properties: Reduced Container Content Weight 40%. Ingredients: 2 Hardened Medium Leather Hides, 1 Medium Bag Pattern..
• Large Leather Bag. Special Properties: Reduced Container Content Weight 60%. Ingredients: 2 Hardened Large Leather Hides, 1 Large Bag Pattern.
• Soft Leather Boots. Special Properties: Dexterity +1. Ingredients: 1 Tanned Small Leather Hide, 1 Small Boot Pattern.
• Hard Leather Boots. Special Properties: Constitution +1. Ingredients: 2 Hardened Small Leather Hides, 1 Small Boot Pattern.
• Soft White Leather Boots. Special Properties: 30 / – Cold Resistance. Ingredients: 1 Tanned Small White Leather Hide, 1 Small Boot Pattern.
• Hard White Leather Boots. Special Properties: 30 / – Cold Resistance, Saving Throws vs. Cold +1. Ingredients: 1 Hardened Small White Leather Hide, 1 Small Boot Pattern.
• Soft Black Leather Boots. Special Properties: 30 / – Fire Resistance. Ingredients: 1 Tanned Small Black Leather Hide, 1 Small Boot Pattern.
• Hard Black Leather Boots. Special Properties: 30 / – Fire Resistance, Saving Throws vs. Fire +1. Ingredients: 1 Hardened Small Black Leather Hide, 1 Small Boot Pattern.
Blackened Treated Leather Pouch. WINGS QUEST ITEM. Base Item: Plain Bag, looks like a Bag of Holding. Ingredients: 2 Tanned Small Black Leather Hides, 1 Black Dragon Liver, 1 Small Bag Pattern. Take this + 10 Blackberry Gems (see 3.6 for more info) to Percy to make the Oil of Vukas.

4.7. Tinkering

Tinkering is the art of making mechanical components and devices. Materials are primarily made from metals ranging from copper to gold (see 3.1 for more info), cured badger leather, and essences bought from the merchant. Copper ingots can be bought in ‘packages of 10’, and have be activated/used to obtain the ingots. This means that, for a surfacer, most ingredient gathering and making can be done within the vicinity of Benzor.

This, however, does not stop tinkering from being probably the most tedious and irritating craft on offer. Patience, intelligence buffs and a clean workable inventory are the keys to succeeding and levelling up quickly in this craft; particularly between 270/400 and 310/400, when the only non-recipe crafted tinkering items that increase skill are traps. That said, there is light at the end of the tunnel, as master tinkerers can craft one of the most powerful items available in the module: The mighty Clock of Ages.

• 1 Widget: 2 Wire, 1 Gearset, 4 Ingots. (11 Ingots Total)
• Compound Bow Pulley: 2 Iron Widgets, 1 Iron Wire.

• 1 Wire: 2 Ingots
• 1 Gearset: 3 Ingots
• Iron Bow String: 5 Iron Wire, 1 Iron Gearset
• Silver Bow String: 5 Silver Wire, 1 Silver Gearset
• Mithral Bow String: 5 Mithral Wire, 1 Silver Gearset

Alchemy Mixes:
• 1 Alchemy Pack: 1 Cured Small Leather Hide, 1 Copper Wire, 1 Essence (bought from tinkering merchant).

Trinkets and Devices:
Gnomish Fire Stick. Base Item: Miscellaneous Device. Special Properties: 50 Charges Total, Use Burning Hands (2) 5 Charges/Use. Ingredients: 2 Copper Wire, 1 Flaming Alchemy Pack.
Tinkered Mining Helmet. Base Item: Helmet. Special Properties: 45 Charges Total, Concentration +1, Use Light (5) 3 Charges/Use. Ingredients: 1 Crafted Copper Helm, 2 Copper Wire, 1 Electrical Alchemy Pack.
Gnomish Stun Rod. Base Item: Miscellaneous Device. Special Properties: 50 Charges Total, Use Hold Person (3) 5 Charges Total. Ingredients: 1 Copper Widget, 2 Copper Wire, 1 Electrical Alchemy Pack.
Tinkered Cloaking Device. Base Item: Miscellaneous Device. Special Properties: 48 Charges Total, Use Invisiblity (3) 3 Charges/Use. Ingredients: 1 Shadow ORE (not ingot), 2 Bronze Widgets, 1 Electrical Alchemy Pack, 2 Bronze Wires.
Gnomish Rocket Boots. Base Item: Boots. Special Properties: 45 Charges Total, Saving Throws vs. Reflex +2, Use Haste (5) 3 Charges/Use. Ingredients: 1 Hard Leather Boots, 2 Bronze Widgets, 2 Bronze Wires, 2 Flaming Alchemy Packs.
Gnomish Acid Blaster. Base Item: Light Crossbow. Special Properties: 50 Charges Total, Attack Bonus +2, Use Melf’s Acid Arrow (3) 2 Charges/Use. Ingredients: 1 Standard Light Crossbow, 4 iron widgets, 4 iron wires, 4 acid alchemy packs.
Gnomish Fire Pipe. Base Item: Miscellaneous Device. Special Properties: 50 Charges Total, Use Fireball (10) 5 Charges/Use, Use Flame Arrow (5) 1 Charge/Use, Use Flame Lash (10) 3 Charges/Use. Ingredients: 3 bronze widgets, 3 Bronze Wires, 3 Flaming Alchemy Packs.
Gnomish Ice Net. Base Item: Miscellaneous Device. Special Properties: 50 Charges Total, Use Hold Animal (3) 1 Charge/Use, Use Hold Monster (7) 2 Charges/Use, Use Hold Person (3) 1 Charge/Use. Ingredients: 4 Iron widgets, 4 iron wire, 4 Frozen Alchemy packs.
Gnomish Lightning Gun. Base item: Light Crossbow. Special Properties: 50 Charges Total, Attack Bonus +3, Light 20m (blue), Use Lightning Bolt (5) 2 Charges/Use. Ingredients: 4 silver widget, 4 silver wire, 1 Standard Light Crossbow, 8 Electrical Packs.
Gnomish Crafted Helper. Base Item: Miscellaneous Device. Special Properties: Summon Helper, Single Use. Ingredients: 6 bronze widgets, 10 bronze wires, 6 electrical alchemy packs. The device disappears after one use, and the Helper is a level 6 gnome, with 9 AB, 19 AC and 56hp. The author recommends you should not bother crafting this item, unless you REALLY REALLY REALLY need help taking out those ferocious sewer rats, or you are hopelessly lonely and need a mute, excrement-coloured gnome (not joking) to fill the gap that your imaginary friend fails to fill.
Gnomish Crafted Automaton. Base Item: Miscellaneous Device. Special Properties: Summon Automaton (Single Use). Ingredients: 8 gold widgets, 20 gold wires, 8 Electrical Alchemy Packs, 6 Flaming Alchemy Packs. The device disappears after one use, and the Automaton is a level 10 construct, with 13 AB, 20 AC and 200hp. On top of this, is actually has 2 attacks per round! The author recommends you should not bother crafting this item, unless you suffer from bouts of Robophilia, or have 4 days to live.
Clock of Ages. Base Item: Miscellaneous Device. Special Properties: Use Bigby’s Grasping Hand (17) 2 Uses / Day, Use Flesh to Stone (5) 2 Uses / Day, Use Slow (5) 5 Uses / Day, Use Time Stop (17) 2 Uses / Day. Ingredients: 8 gold widgets, 8 gold wires, 4 flaming alchemy packs, 4 acid alchemy packs, 4 cold alchemy packs, 4 electrical alchemy packs, 2 rage spider web spinners. Maximum Crafting Rating: Dark Blue. As R’agon puts it: ‘That’s right, it never goes green.’

• Weak Spike Trap. Ingredients: 2 Copper Widget, 1 Copper Wire.
• Weak Tangle Trap. Ingredients: 2 Copper Widget, 1 Copper Wire.
• Weak Fire Trap. Ingredients: 2 Bronze Widget, 1 Bronze Wire, 1 Flaming Alchemy Pack.
• Weak Shocking Trap. Ingredients: 2 Bronze Widget, 1 Bronze Wire, 1 Electrical Alchemy Pack.
• Weak Acid Trap. Ingredients: 2 Bronze Widget, 1 Bronze Wire, 1 Acid Alchemy Pack.
• Weak Shocking (IS IN FACT FROST) Trap. Ingredients: 2 Bronze Widget, 1 Bronze Wire, 1 Frozen Alchemy Pack.
• Medium Spike Trap. Ingredients: 2 Iron Widget, 1 Iron Wire.
• Medium Tangle Trap. Ingredients: 2 Iron Widget, 1 Iron Wire.
• Medium Fire Trap. Ingredients: 2 Iron Widget, 1 Iron Wire, 1 Flaming Alchemy Pack.
• Medium Shocking Trap. Ingredients: 2 Iron Widget, 1 Iron Wire, 1 Electrical Alchemy Pack.
• Medium Acid Trap. Ingredients: 2 Iron Widget, 1 Iron Wire, 1 Acid Alchemy Pack.
• Medium Frost Trap. Ingredients: 2 Iron Widget, 1 Iron Wire, 1 Frozen Alchemy Pack.
• Strong Spike Trap. Ingredients: 2 Silver Widget, 1 Silver Wire.
• Strong Tangle Trap. Ingredients: 2 Silver Widget, 1 Silver Wire.
• Strong Fire Trap. Ingredients: 2 Gold Widget, 1 Gold Wire, 1 Flaming Alchemy Pack.
• Strong Shocking Trap. Ingredients: 2 Gold Widget, 1 Gold Wire, 1 Electrical Alchemy Pack.
• Strong Acid Trap. Ingredients: 2 Gold Widget, 1 Gold Wire, 1 Acid Alchemy Pack.
• Strong Frost Trap. Ingredients: 2 Gold Widget, 1 Gold Wire, 1 Frozen Alchemy Pack.

4.8. Jewellery

Standard rings/amulets are crafted from metal ingots (2 per ring, 3 per amulet), a smooth ring/amulet mold (bought from the jewelcrafter merchant) and gems (1 per ring/amulet). Standard exceptional rings/amulets can be crafted. For more information on exceptional gear see 5.1.

Malachite and Amethyst can be bought from the jewel merchant, and all gems can be mined. Although gems provide the majority of the bonus given by a particular ring/amulet, metals do provide small bonuses of their own. NOT ALL METALS WILL HOUSE A PARTICULAR GEM HOWEVER (check the Jeweler’s desk for more information about this).

Metal Properties in jewellery:
• Copper: Reduced Saves vs. Fire -1.
• Bronze: 5 / – Acid Resistance, Fire Vulnerability 5%.
• Iron: Saves vs. Sonic +1.
• Silver: AC Bonus vs. Undead +1, Reduced Saves vs. Electrical -1.
• Gold: 10 / – Electrical Resistance, Light 15m (Yellow).
• Shadow: Spell Resistance 16, Only Usable by Non-Good Alignments.
• Rubicite: 5 / – Fire Resistance, Light 5m (Blue), Saving Throws vs. Fire +1.
• Verdicite: Light 5m (Green), Saving Throws vs. Poison +2.
• Syenite: 5 / – Cold Resistance, Light 5m (Blue), Saving Throws vs. Cold +1.
• Mithral: Double Ability Bonus, Light 15m (Blue).
• Adamantine: Double Ability Bonus (except malachite), cannot be made into ideal jewellery.
• Myrkanite: Double Ability Bonus (except malachite), cannot be made into ideal jewellery.

For comparison, gem information bonuses can be found in 3.2.

There are also special recipe rings/amulets which require other components. These are:

Mortike’s Ring. Base Item: Ring. Special Properties: DR +1 Soak 5, Darkvision, Constitution +3, Improved Saving Throws vs. Mind +2, Light 15m (Red). Ingredients: 1 Ring Mold, 2 Rubicite Ingots, 1 Cut Ruby, 1 Scroll of Light, 1 Scroll of Ghostly Visage, 1 Fenberry.
Greater Mortikie’s Ring. Base Item: Ring. Special Properties: DR +3 Soak 5, Darkvision, Constitution +4, Saving Throws vs. Mind +2, Light 15m (Red). Ingredients: 1 Recipe, 1 Mortikie’s Ring, 2 Rubicite Ingots, 1 Ideal Ruby.
Fire Ring. Base Item: Ring. Special Properties: 50 Charges Total, Fire Immunity 25%, Use Fire Storm (13) 2 Charges/Use, Use Fireball (10) 1 Charge/Use.: 1 Scrolls of Delayed Blast Fireball, 1 Scroll of Flame Arrow, 1 cut diamond, 1 Recipe.
Amulet of Senses. Base Item: Amulet. Special Properties: Bonus Feat: Alertness, Listen +8, Search +8, Spot +8, Use Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (15) 2 Uses/Day. Ingredients: 1 Lesser Amulet of the Master, 1 Recipe, 1 Ideal Emerald.
Amulet of Chronos. Base Item: Amulet. Special Properties: 48 Charges Total, Use Time Stop (17) 4 Charges/Use. Ingredients: 1 Ideal Diamond, 2 Scrolls of Timestop, 1 Recipe.
Amulet of Necromancer. Base Item: Amulet. Special Properties: 50 Charges Total, Only Usable by Evil, Only Usable by Wizard, Use Animate Dead (15) 1 Use/Day, Use Sunbeam (15) 5 Charges/Use. Ingredients: 1 Recipe, 5 Scrolls of Animate Dead, 1 Ideal Emerald.

5. Unique Item Bonuses

5.1. Exceptionally Crafted Items

Occasionally, successfully crafting rings, amulets, weapons, bows or armour will yield exceptionally crafted items. These usually are slightly enhanced versions of the original, with small added bonuses and less negative effects. Standard item bonuses are covered from 4.1 through to 4.8, so if you’re unsure of the standard bonuses of a particular item look there.

Typical Exceptional Bonuses (on top of the standard bonuses) for Bows include:
• +1 attack (so for e.g. a standard yew bow gives +2 ab, an exceptional gives +3 ab)
• +1 mighty (for compound bows)
• 1d6 Massive Criticals
• Weight Reduction
• Negative Effects Removed

Typical Exceptional Bonuses (on top of the standard bonuses) for Rings and Amulets include:
• Increased Elemental Resistance for jewellery that already grants elemental resistance (so for e.g. instead of 10 / – this becomes 15 / -)
• +1 Deflection AC
• Some exceptional jewellery can only be used by good alignments (be careful about this)
• Light Bonus for rings that already give Light (so light 15m as opposed to light 5m)
Exceptional jewellery is NOT to be confused with Ideal Gems, which are explained in 3.2.

Typical Exceptional Bonuses (on top of the standard bonuses) for Armour include:
• Increased Elemental Resistance for armour that already grants elemental resistance
• +1 AC for some armour (e.g. standard mithral armour gives +3 AC, exceptional gives +4 AC),
• Discipline Bonuses,
• Saving Throw Bonuses, dependant on the resistances of the particular armour (so for e.g rubicite is fire resistant armour, so exceptional rubicite armour extra grants Saves vs. Fire.) ,
• Weight Reduction.

Typical Exceptional Bonuses (on top of the standard bonuses) for Weapons include:
• Increased Elemental Damage (so for e.g. instead of 1d4 this becomes 1d6)
• Additional elemental damage and enhancement vs. Racial types (Silver only)
• Light Bonus for weapons that already give Light,
• 1d6 Massive Criticals
• Weight Reduction

Some exceptional armour comes with significant added bonuses on top of the ordinary exceptional boosts.

These include:
• Exceptionally Crafted Syenite Small/Large/Tower Shield: Haste.
• Exceptionally Crafted Rubicite Chainmail Coif: Haste.
• Exceptionally Crafted Rubicite Chainmail: Immunity to Knockdown.
• Exceptionally Crafted Rubicite Half-Plate: Haste.
• Exceptionally Crafted Rubicite Full-Plate: Haste.
• Exceptionally Crafted Rubicite Small/Large/Tower Shield: Immunity to Level/Ability Drain, Disease and Poison.
• Exceptionally Crafted Mithral Chainmail Coif: Immunity to Knockdown.
• Exceptionally Crafted Mithral Chainmail: Haste, 25% Negative Damage Immunity (replaces negative resistance).
• Exceptionally Crafted Mithral Small/Large/Tower Shield: Immunity to Knockdown.
• Exceptionally Crafted Mithral Half-Plate: Immunity to Knockdown, 25% Negative Damage Immunity.
• Exceptionally Crafted Mithral Full-Plate: Immunity to Knockdown, 25% Negative Damage Immunity.

In addition to these, Crafted Yellow Robes grant haste, and Crafted White Robes grant immunity to knockdown. For more information on robe bonuses, see 4.5.

5.2. Synergy Sets

Some specific items grant special additional bonuses when worn together. These bonuses only show up when the items are equipped, and are marked as ‘temporary’. These are known as ‘synergy’ bonuses, so a collection of items worn together that provide these can be referred to as a synergy set.

There are a few synergy sets available through crafting which yield synergy bonuses.

These are:
• Verdicite Synergy Set (armour, helm, shield): 25/- Acid Resistance (30 for exceptional), Immunity: Poison, Light 15m (Green).
• Syenite Synergy Set (armour, helm, shield): 25/- Cold Resistance (30 for exceptional), -2 saves vs fire, Spell Immunity: Cone of Cold, Light 15m (Blue).
• Rubicite Synergy Set (armour, helm, shield): 25/- Fire Resistance (30 for exceptional), -2 saves vs cold, Spell Immunity: Firebrand, Light 15m (Red).
• Mithral Synergy Set (armour, helm, shield): -40% Arcane Spell Failure (-50% with all exceptional items), 5/- Piercing Resistance, Immunity: Fear, Light 15m (White).
• Algoroth Synergy Set (armour, sword, shield): EACH INDIVIDUAL ITEM GETS A BONUS.
Sword: Enhancement Bonus vs Dragons +6, 2d8 Massive Criticals.
Armour: +6 AC vs. Dragons, +2 Reflex Saves.
Shield: +6 AC vs. Dragons.

Again, synergy bonuses are ADDITIONAL bonuses that are added to the standard equipment. For more information on the standard bonuses for armour and weapons, see 4.1 and 4.2.

6. Wings Rundown

Because I’m nice, and because the guide covers all crafted items anyway, here’s a quick rundown of the items required for wings.

1. Drow High Priestess Head.

This is picked up off the Drow High Priestess, to the west of Loknar and underneath Sholo (two sectors east of Gloomy Dark, one sector east of Underdark Deep Caverns).

2. Blessed Token of Possession.

This is done in several steps:
• Go to Tobaro Sewers (not too far from the boat) and keep heading deeper until you find a book labelled the Treatise of Summoning (or something like that). Will be in a chest, next to some drow. ONCE PER RESET ONLY.
• Once you have the book, head to Brosna and give the book to Werdna, in the Brosna Magic Shop (southeast corner of Brosna). After a bit of chatter he will give you a key. This key opens Sholo Crypt.
• Head through Sholo Crypt. Right down the bottom of the crypt, through a portal on the Isle of Doom, you’ll find a vampire named Lord Nestor. Kill him, and he’ll have a standard token of possession on him. Pick it up and head out. ONCE PER RESET ONLY.
• Take the standard Token of Possession to Galdor and he will bless it!

3. Braveheart Armour.

This is crafted in armour crafting using rubicite ingots (see 3.1), ancient red dragon hearts (see 3.6) and a crafted studded leather armour from the blacksmithing merchant.
For more info on the armour see 4.1.

4. Brock’s Dagger of Mithral

The hardest item to attain out of the 4. The dagger itself is crafted in weaponcrafting using mithral ingots (see 3.1), a scroll of daze (see 3.6), a Will’o’Wisp essence (see 3.6), and an Oil of Vukas (see 3.6).
For more info on the dagger see 4.2.

5. Fighting Blackavar

Blackavar is located inside the Tower of Inodrio on Misty Isle, which can be reached by boat from Benzor for surfacers or Mulrok for Drow. From here on contains several spoilers on how to complete the quest, which is a little tricky. If you wish to figure it out yourself, I suggest reading no further than here.

The Misty Isle Dragons, most of Blackavar’s minions, and Blackavar himself, have fear auras, so if you have fear immunity on an item, equip it now. Wizards and sorcerers can cast Mind Blank on party members to shield them from fear. Head north from the boat several sectors until you reach the tower. All sectors ahead of the Blue Dragon Pass cannot be ported to via party portal. Follow the snaking path, down the cliff face and along a sandy pathway, towards the base of the tower. I recommend manually rotating your camera if this is difficult to navigate.  Head inside and up through the basement levels of the tower. The main basement level contains a labyrinth of tunnels. In the southwest corner of this map, there should be a gong. Click on the gong. A helmed horror called ‘The Riddler’ will appear, requesting all the quest items EXCEPT THE TOKEN (used later). In exchange he gives you a key to the 1st floor.

After you have retrieved the key, head through the tunnel passages on the side walls, until you appear at the bottom of the map. The chance of arriving at the bottom of this map is completely random, but after a number of tries you will automatically appear there. You can use any side tunnel on the wall, just not the tunnel you have previously exited. I still have no idea why this momentum-halting dice-throwing party-dividing time-sink is now in cooperated into the wings quest, and it’s rather infuriating if a person in a wings party with no haste ends up totally lost and can only be yelled at via party chat, but hey, it’s there. Pseudo party cohesion ftw. Once down the bottom, use the Riddler’s key to open the door, and head up the ladder.

The first floor is split into two halves, joined by a secret door. Smash your way through the spider webs and head north. Once you have reached the northern end of the first half, activate detect mode and repeatedly run back and forth through the entrance to what looks like the most north eastern (top right) empty cell, and a secret door will appear. Head through it. The door will disappear after 20 seconds because of divine amnesia and awesome game mechanics, so you may need to perform the detect wiggle multiple times through the entrance of the cell doorway to spot the door and wave a big party through it. Again, pseudo party cohesion ftw.

Once through this, head south, and there’ll be two doors at the end of long corridors. One will lead to the 2nd level, and will be locked, and requires a key. To retrieve the key for this requires using another door, through a portal guarded by stone gargoyles, back down to another area of the basement level, to attain a key. Back on the basement level, there’ll be a large hole in the cavern floor with an island of land in the middle. Walk around it until you reach a sparkling barrier and a pillar. Click on the pillar (you will need the Blessed Token of possession in your inventory for this to work), and a stone bridge will appear. Kill the sparking barrier, and head across the bridge. You should find a demon called the Keymaster. Kill him and take his key. If you’re a cleric, DO NOT CAST WORD OF FAITH ON HIM, as this makes him disappear without any loot, which means, without DM intervention, you can’t progress to the 2nd level, and have wasted all your wings items for nothing.

After the 2nd level (which has lots of golems on a chessboard, fun to smite), there’s a 3rd level, then Blackavar’s main chamber. The chamber is accessed by giving the spirit of Merlin a looted book off of his corpse, which will port all party members level 15 and over into his chamber. Blackavar is a fairly high level spellcaster, with a lot of spellcaster minions with fear auras, and warrior mummies with death magic auras. If you have fear/mind and death immunity on items or spells, equip or cast them before engaging the final fight. Clerics and druids can cast Death Ward on party members to shield them from the mummy’s death auras, and wizards and sorcerers can cast Mind Blank to shield party members from fear.

Once inside, if you’re a melee character, you can use knockdown (if you have it) on everything that fires at you, as the discipline of the spellcasters (and Blackavar) is rather low, and a knocked down target can’t fire spell barrages. On Blackavar is a key to open his summoning room. Remember to loot it from him before his corpse disappears, or you’ll be stuck.

Outside the tower, there should be a pillar. USE the Blessed Token of Possession on the Pillar, and this will lead you to Galdor. Talk to him, and you should have wings!

This document was brought to you by:

Ti’pnn Carr’teal Leu’dropp (Tinker Til you Drop). Dark Elven Monk/Sorcerer/Red Dragon Discipline, Master Crafter.
Disgruntled Quarryman. Half Orc Fighter/Bard/RDD, mining slave.
Hulk Hogan. Drow Fighter/Bard/RDD, pretty gem mining slave.
Trieyug’in Hip’pii (Tree Hugging Hippee). Svirfneblin Druid/Monk/Shadowdancer, natural ingredient gatherer.