Combat Medic

Epic Character Builds – Combat Medic

Created by: David “Grini” Villareal.
Indispensable Edit Guy: Doug_G.

You are part of the first wave of attackers to assault the gates of Zhentil Keep. You and your Dalesland and Impilturian comrades yell out their battle cry and charge. Arrows from Zhentarim bows and stones from catapults impede your progress. You make your way to the very walls when suddenly the sting of one, then two, then three, and then finally, four arrows pierce your body and your world turns black….

You awake to find an armored cleric administering to your wounds. Oblivious to the turmoil around him, she works diligently to help you get back into the fight. The same arrows that fell you seem to graze her or miss totally. You take a brief moment to watch her go from soldier to soldier, blessing and praying for them, administering to the injured, and raising the morale of the downtrodden. You take solace in your heart that she will be the turning point factor that will ensure victory despite the odds. Again, you charge headlong back into fray for the Dales and Impiltur.

That, in a nutshell, is the role of the Combat Medic.

Combat Medic

Cleric: 20
Bard: 4
Palemaster: 16

Race: Human
Alignment: Any Non-Good

Starting Stats
Str: 8
Dex: 10
Con: 10
Int: 14
Wis: 18
Cha: 12

Final Stats
Str: 8
Dex: 10
Con: 10
Int: 14
Wis: 32
Cha: 12

Final Skills
Concentration: 42
Spellcraft: 42
UMD: 43
Healing: 43
Tumble: 43
Perform: 10

Plate Armor
Tower Shield
Combat Medic Strengths

The strengths of the Combat Medic are:

Able to enter the middle of combat and either get a bandage, heal spell, or resurrection to help turn the tide of battle.
Very defensive: high AC (70 with normal gear), Immunity to Critical Hits, and DR 50/+20. Also needs very little in terms of AC gear to get an even higher AC–just a dodge item. The other equipped item slots can go towards upgrading other areas, such as strength and constitution.
High wisdom translates into more spell slots for more heal type spells and higher amounts of hit points healed from a bandage.
Able to cast a small assortment of offensive spells with reasonable effectiveness due to the high wisdom, such as Implosion (DC 36) and Chain Lightning (DC 33).
Ability to prepare comrades for battle in terms of preparatory spells, such as Bull’s Strength, Endurance, Cat’s Grace, Death Ward, True Sight, Spell Resistance, Bless, and Prayer.

Combat Medic Weaknesses

However, there are some weaknesses:

The combat medic is not designed to do any sort of melee fighting. She will be able to withstand a large portion of melee attacks made against her, and only in dire circumstances should she pick up a weapon and attack.
The low strength and constitution are also hindrances in regards to how much is carried and the amount of hit points she will have. However, this hindrance can be overcome with either spells or permanent items.

Recommended Spells

In battle:
Chain Lightning
Call Lightning
Greater Restoration
Mass Heal
Prior to battle:
Death Ward
Magic Vestment
Shield of Faith (for self)
Spell Resistance
True Seeing
For front-line warriors and archers, add:
Greater Magic Weapon
Bull Strength
Cat’s Grace

Character Advancement History

Following is the path of the Combat Medic during the first forty levels of his life.

Character Level Class Skill Increases Feat Selection Attribute Increase
1 Cleric 4 Concentration, 4 Spellcraft, 12 Save Spell Penetration, Extend Spell, Travel Domain, War Domain
2 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
3 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Spell Focus (Evocation)
4 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Widsom
5 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
6 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Greater Spell Focus (Evocation)
7 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
8 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Wisdom
9 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Combat Casting
10 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
11 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
12 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Maximize Spell Wisdom
13 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
14 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
15 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Greater Spell Penetration
16 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Wisdom
17 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
18 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Empower Spell
19 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
20 Cleric 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Wisdom
21 Bard 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 24 UMD,
24 Heal, 24 Tumble
Great Wisdom I
22 Bard 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 1 UMD,
1 Heal, 1 Tumble
23 Bard 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft,
1 UMD, 1 Heal, 1 Tumble
24 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Great Wisdom II Wisdom
25 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
26 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
27 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Great Wisdom III
28 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Wisdom
29 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
30 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Great Wisdom IV
31 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
32 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Wisdom
33 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Improved Combat Casting
34 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
35 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
36 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Spell Focus (Evocation) Wisdom
37 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
38 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save
39 Palemaster 1 Concentration, 1 Spellcraft, 3 Save Epic Spell Warding, Epic Spell Mage Armor
40 Bard 10 Perform, 17 UMD, 17 Healing,
17 Tumble
  • Indicates this selection can be changed without affecting the integrity of the overall build.