Captive of the Labyrinth – Weekend Deity Quest

The Benzor Fair is open and all Deity Quests are giving x3 Gold and XP rewards!

A rampaging minotaur is trapped in the sixth plane of Hell and eternal torment awaits the poor creature. You must end its suffering.
(This weekend’s Deity Quest will require a character level 36 to 40 to obtain the quest)

The Undead Dragon – Weekend Deity Quest

The Benzor Fair is open and all Deity Quests are giving x3 Gold and XP rewards!

“A great evil dwells in the Kabu Peninsula Graveyard. Its influence is spreading across the isle, corrupting all in its path. The evil must be destroyed.”
(This weekend’s Deity Quest will require a character level 36 to 40 to obtain the quest)

A Howling Experience – Weekend Deity Quest

The Benzor Fair is open and all Deity Quests are giving x3 Gold and XP rewards!

“You find yourself beneath Kabu’s Ancient Cemetery in the caves of terror. You sense yourself traveling deeper in the caves until up a head you hear the growl of a beast. Something huge crawls out of the Crevasse and lumbers towards you.”
(This weekend’s Deity Quest will require a solo level 40 or a level 36 to 40 party to obtain the quest)

Double Trouble – Weekend Deity Quest

The Benzor Fair is open and all Deity Quests are giving x3 Gold and XP rewards!

“The greatest of dragons are fought by the greatest of heroes. Take your place in history and battle a pair of Ancient Uber Dragons in the Planes of Rage.”
(This weekend’s Deity Quest will require a solo level 40 or a level 36 to 40 party to obtain the quest)

King of the Dead – Weekend Deity Quest

The Benzor Fair is open and all Deity Quests are giving x3 Gold and XP rewards!

“In a lost temple dwells a Lich King of Old. Defeat this ancient evil of old and gain another key to unlocking your Nightmare.”
(This weekend’s Deity Quest will require a level 36 to 40 to obtain the quest)

Trolling for Trouble – Weekend Altar Quest

The Benzor Fair is open and all Deity Quests are giving x5 Gold and XP rewards!

“Deep into the Hidden Forest lies the the realm of the Troll King. Slay this ancient ruler and take a step closer to facing your Nightmare.”
(This weekend’s Deity Quest will require a solo level 40 or a level 36 to 40 party to obtain the quest)