Strongest in Nordock

Strongest in Nordock

Once more the champions of Nordock are called forth to challenge for the title of the Strongest in Nordock!

Qualifiers will commence this week and run for the next 4 weeks. At the end of that time, the highest ranked players will compete in a final to see who will be crowned the Strongest in Nordock!

The qualifier rounds will consist of each player racing to destroy a line up of 4 combat dummies in the fastest time possible. The final will see the number of combat dummies increased to 6!

The rules for this contest are:

  1. No Epic, Uber, Old school, or Enhanced items (with the exception of the fire giant belt since this can be looted).
  2. Any buffs (by spell or item or ability, etc) are allowed after the “go”.
  3. No Shifted Forms
  4. Only melee attacks on the dummies

All are welcome to compete in this contest, with the winner gaining their place in history as the “Strongest in Nordock” (See the big statue in the gateway – front and center).

You can read more about the tournament here:

To get an idea of the format (and competition), check out the videos below:



Into the Planes – Weekend Deity Quest

The Benzor Fair is open and all Deity Quests are giving x5 Gold and XP rewards!

“In the Valley of Blight lies a cave. It is said through this cave one can gain access to the Planes. You must find a way into the Planar Lands, face their many trials and return.”
(This weekend’s Deity Quest will require a solo level 40 or a level 36 to 40 party to obtain the quest)

Into the Planes - Weekend Deity Quest

Neverwinter Nights turns 20!

Neverwinter Nights turns 20!

Neverwinter Nights was released in North America on June 18, 2002 and in Australia and Europe on July 3, 2002.

Victorian Nordock began not long after, in 2005.

As part of our celebration of this phenomenal achievement we will be holding several tournaments over the coming months.

The first tournament will commence tomorrow, 20 years since Neverwinter Nights was first released in Australia!

Neverwinter Nights 20th Anniversary

Related Links:

Head of Medusa – Weekend Deity Quest

The Benzor Fair is open and all Deity Quests are giving x3 Gold and XP rewards!

“Far below the sands of the Desolate Wastelands, past the orbs with many eyes lies the lair of the Medusa. You must defeat her.”
(This weekend’s Deity Quest will require a character level 31 to 40 to obtain the quest)

A Scorching Good Time – Weekend Deity Quest

The Benzor Fair is open and all Deity Quests are giving x3 Gold and XP rewards!

“Deep below Fire Blasted Pass, through a Hidden Forest, lies an ancient Mage Castle. Within this castle lies a Lich that cannot be destroyed with magic or weapons. You must find a way to defeat the Lich.”
(This weekend’s Deity Quest will require a character level 31 to 40 to obtain the quest – only companions within 5 levels of the leader will gain the reward)

The Dark Knight – Weekend Deity Quest

The Benzor Fair is open and all Deity Quests are giving x3 Gold and XP rewards!

“You see a Dark castle in a Dark Wood. Inside the castle, surrounded by his followers is a Dark Knight. You must face this Dark Knight and defeating him.” (This weekend’s Deity Quest will require a character level 31 to 40 to obtain the quest)

Smaug the Magnificent – Weekend Deity Quest

The Benzor Fair is open and all Deity Quests are giving x3 Gold and XP rewards!

“You see a bleak forest filled with half-orcs. But deep in the forest is a place even the half-orcs fear to tread. Here lurks a truly terrifying beast, a beast you must face and destroy.”
(This weekend’s Deity Quest will require a character level 36 to 40 to obtain the quest)

Blackheart’s Treasure – Weekend Deity Quest

The Benzor Fair is open and all Deity Quests are giving x3 Gold and XP rewards!

Long ago the Pirate Blackheart stole the Silver Chalice of Moonbow. Alas, when a great storm caught Blackheart off Mulrok Island and his fleet was sunk, all was thought lost. Now, after a week of ferocious storms, several shipwrecks have been washed up around Mulrok, and the search for Blackheart’s treasure and the Silver Chalice has begun again.
(This weekend’s Deity Quest will require a character level 31 to 40 to obtain the quest)

The Buried Temple – Weekend Deity Quest

The Benzor Fair is open and all Deity Quests are giving x3 Gold and XP rewards!

Buried beneath the desert sands, in a temple filled with untold riches, dwells one whose sort to rule over death itself.
(This weekend’s Deity Quest will require a character level 26 to 40 to obtain the quest)