Once more the champions of Nordock are called forth to challenge for the title of the Best with a Bow!
Qualifiers will commence this week and run for the next 4 weeks. At the end of that time, the highest ranked players will compete in a final to see who will be crowned the Best with a Bow.
The contest will consist of each player racing to destroy a lineup of 3 combat dummies in the fastest time possible.
The rules for this contest are:
- No Epic, Uber, Old school, or Enhanced items (with the exception of the fire giant belt since this can be looted).
- All buffs (by spell or item or ability, etc), with the exception of the Arcane Archer ability Arrow of Death, are allowed after the “go”.
- Only ranged attacks on the dummies.
- No summons or companions
All are welcome to compete in this contest, with the winner gaining their place in history as the “Best with a Bow”.
You can read more about the tournament here: https://victoriannordock.com/best-with-a-bow/